Tag Archives: picked-the-girl

Lala Tells Us What Her Definition Of “Whore” Means While Sticking Up For “BF” Kimmy Cakes

What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? We hear the word ‘whore’ a lot these days and LaLa thinks too many of us have become numb to it . LaLa Anthony made an appearance on The Breakfast Club and was giving advice to callers during part of the show. Everything was going pretty cool until a caller explained her situation; the young lady had a friend who slept around a lot and was getting called a whore. The caller felt like she was getting a bad reputation because she was still hanging out with her and asked LaLa how she’d deal with that situation since she’s “friends with Kim Kardashian”. Lala responded: “First of all, We joke around and have fun but I am really starting to get a little tired of people calling her that to me because if I was calling your friend a whore you wouldn’t like that would you? No matter what people’s perceptions are, I know my friend and I know her heart and who she is and she’s not a whore. We are all grown now! I can’t be responsible for what people think about other people, I go by how a person treats me and she’s always been an amazing person to me. As far as your situation is concerned, the same thing applies. We are all grown. If your friend has a bad rep, you can’t take responsibility for what your friend does, so you shouldn’t be grouped in that category because of what she does, you can only be responsible for your own actions…I think a Hoe is someone who has no morals or values when they do what they do. So I think a hoe is breaking up [a home]– knows a person is married and is messing with him. I don’t think a hoe is someone that sleeps around because if you are single and enjoying yourself, that is what you are suppose to do.” Well damn…what’s your definition of a whore and do you think LaLa should get the “good friend of the week” award for her classy answer? Images via facebook

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Lala Tells Us What Her Definition Of “Whore” Means While Sticking Up For “BF” Kimmy Cakes

Florida Crazies–Pastor Accused Of Raping 12-Year-Old Girl Faces 60 Years In Prison!!

This “Man” needs to be castrated… and these creeps hiding their sick azzes behind their titles in the Church need to be held accountable for. According to the Orlando Sentinel… A 48-year-old Volusia County minister faces decades in prison after a jury this week convicted him of raping a little girl nearly six years ago. Michael Charles Campbell of DeLand faces as much as 60 years in prison after his conviction Thursday on charges of sexual battery and engaging in sexual conduct with a minor 12 to 18 years of age, the State Attorney’s Office said. Campbell, a minister in Deland and West Palm Beach, lured the girl to a motel for sex by promising her help with her modeling career with a “skit,” prosecutors and police said. The former Daytona Beach funeral home worker attacked the girl when she was 12 and 13. In December 2006, he picked the girl up in a hearse with a body inside after telling her father he wanted her to do some work at the funeral home. They delivered a body to Daytona Beach International Airport and as they drove away, he told the girl that she might have to take her clothes off for the skit. The girl said he told her he “might have to take a look at you first” and pulled the hearse off the roadway. She said she exposed herself. Then they drove to a motel, where the girl said Campbell taught her how to put a condom on and kissed and fondled her. They spent several hours in the room and afterwards, Campbell gave her $44, the girl told police. In December 2007, the girl was taken to a motel for another “skit,” but that time she tried to resist, even though Campbell told her “it was how Brittany Spears and Beyonce got their start.” SMH…We’re not blaming anyone other than this disgusting waste of life but we wish parents out there would stop being so willing to let their young children go off alone with adults; even if they’re the head of the Church. Images via shutterstock/facebook

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Florida Crazies–Pastor Accused Of Raping 12-Year-Old Girl Faces 60 Years In Prison!!

Epitome Of A Bad MOTHER: Texas Mother Popped For Putting PCP In Her Daughters Turkey Sammich

Drugs are bad m’kay? Texas Mother Arrested For Putting PCP In Child’s Lunch Travis County sheriff’s investigators have charged a Del Valle woman after they say she put the drug PCP into her 6-year-old daughter’s school lunch, according to an arrest affidavit filed with Travis County courts today. Torina Ann Gutierrez, 34, faces a charge of endangering a child, a state jail felony. She is not currently in custody, according to jail records. The affidavit said that on May 4, Gutierrez’s daughter began acting strangely in her first-grade classroom, talking to people who were not there and saying she could hear “banging in her head.” A school counselor called Gutierrez to report what was going on, and Gutierrez said, “Don’t call EMS and don’t call (Child Protective Services), I’m on my way,” the affidavit said. Gutierrez picked the girl up from school, took her home and then called for paramedics, the affidavit said. The girl was tested at a hospital, which returned a positive result for PCP, a powerful and illegal hallucinogen, the affidavit said. She was removed from the home and placed with a family member. Gutierrez also tested positive for the drug, the affidavit said. The girl told investigators that Gutierrez made her lunch that day, and that after she ate it, she felt “crazy and dizzy,” and her lunch meat tasted like “fireworks,” the affidavit said. She called the drug “angel dust” and said she had seen the drug in her home before, the affidavit said. Source

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Epitome Of A Bad MOTHER: Texas Mother Popped For Putting PCP In Her Daughters Turkey Sammich