Had he known that, he might have chosen to “deal with himself” a little sooner, hit the jump to find out why! According to TMZ reports : Don Cornelius died with 2 life insurance policies worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the ex-wife he hated will get all the money … TMZ has learned. Don’s breakup with Viktoria Chapman Cornelius was brutal. He was convicted of domestic abuse and, according to him, she pepper sprayed him multiple times. During the divorce in 2009, Don said in legal docs obtained by TMZ, ‘I am 72 years old. I have significant health issues. I want to finalize this divorce before I die.” The divorce was indeed finalized later that year, but there’s a provision in the settlement agreement that says Don must make Viktoria the beneficiary of both of his life insurance policies — totaling around $300,000 in benefits. Under California law, if a policyholder commits suicide within 2 years of the time the policy is issued, the company can deny payment. But Don had the policy for more than 2 years, so Viktoria — the woman he despised — will get the loot. Damn, Don…we know you wouldn’t have wanted it to go down like that. If he had committed suicide just a few months prior, then all this would have been avoided. We’re not condoning suicide, especially not at his age, but as much as he despised this woman it seems a shame that she will benefit from his death. More On Bossip! Pure Comedy: Bin Laden’s Potty-Mouth Ex-Boo-Thang Kola Boof Responds Directly To BOSSIP About Her Husband-Fuggin Tweets!! On The Party Scene: Rick Ross Celebrates His B-Day In Atlanta With His Banger Boo “Basketball Wives Beef”: Laura Govan Says She Will Never Speak To Shaunie O’Neal And Explains Why She Loves The Pistol Packing Player Who Is Papa To Her Kids! Hate It Or Love It?!?! The Notable Women Of Color (Mostly) In Ask Men’s Most Desirable Women Of 2012
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Salt In The Gunshot Wound: Don Cornelius Hated Ex-Wife Will Be The Beneficiary Of BOTH Of His Life Insurance Policies!