Tag Archives: policy-applies

Get Your Life Together Already!!! Pacman Jones Popped For Fighting One-Time While Slizzard

This fool here!! After finding a way to mostly avoid headlines for the past few months, Pacman Jones was in Cincinnati last night doing what he does best: f*cking up. The folks at WLWT report that Jones, who now plays for the Bengals, was arrested early Sunday at a Cincinnati bar. He reportedly was intoxicated and disruptive. He allegedly got into an argument, and he allegedly was uncooperative when asked to leave. As Jones was being arrested, he reportedly struggled to get out of the handcuffs. Ultimately, two officers were required to restrain him. With the league taking the position (ridiculous as it may be) that the personal conduct policy applies even though the players are currently locked out, it’ll be interesting to see how Pacman’s latest legal entanglement impact his career, given his history. You big dummy. Source

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Get Your Life Together Already!!! Pacman Jones Popped For Fighting One-Time While Slizzard