Tag Archives: poor-decisions

13 Movie Stars You May Never Hear From Again

There are some movie stars who can survive the test of time.  Then there's the others that just don't have any staying power and disappear into oblivion.  We have compiled a list of movie stars that you may never hear from again.  1. Johnny Depp The true test for Johnny Depp will be when his next movie drops. Will all the bad press ruin his career? 2. Tara Reid You know you’ve hit rock bottom when you appear on Sharknado. 3. Lindsay Lohan Lohan’s career combusted right in front of her, and there’s no way she’ll be leading a big blockbuster. 4. Amanda Bynes Things went sour for the star after her starring role in Hairspray. After many public meltdowns, she stepped away from the public eye. 5. Val Kilmer Kilmer was once an A-list celeb, but several poor decisions made him slip into oblivion. 6. Shia LaBeouf You don’t trash the movies that put you on the map and expect to get another high profile role. View Slideshow

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13 Movie Stars You May Never Hear From Again

Lauren is the Babe of the Day

This girl is Lauren ….and she’s a magical fucking adventure in poor decisions if you’re a religious person…which you know I am not…but rather a firm believer that sins make the world go round…that’s why I am drunk right now…but more importantly that sex..is not a fucking sin and either is nudity…it’s our human nature…and nothing to be ashamed of….unless you have a dad…because dad’s generally don’t approve of dudes getting off to their daughters…unless those dad’s are me…because I think if I made it, I’d want to share it… TO SEE LAUREN GET MORE HARDCORE CLICK HERE

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Lauren is the Babe of the Day

Girl, Take it Easy! 9 Impulsive Moves That Could Ruin A Relationship

Finding love can be a mind-blowing, giddy, amazing experience. While whirlwind romances are the kind that typically only exist in movies and in fairy tales, love at first sight and falling in love quickly can happen to those who are lucky enough to be struck by Cupid’s arrow. But while some people take their time in new relationships, others move so fast that they make poor decisions that could jeopardize their relationship before it even begins. If you don’t want your potential new relationship to crash and burn before you’ve had a chance to fully explore the possibilities, avoid these impulsive behaviors that could ruin your relationship before its had a chance to fully blossom. More …. Shutterstock

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Girl, Take it Easy! 9 Impulsive Moves That Could Ruin A Relationship

Karissa Shannon Assumes The Position

I don’t have a clue what the hell is going on here, and I don’t give a crap because Playboy chick Karissa Shannon is on all fours with her ass in the air. Are you seeing this? I’m talking to the douchebag sitting next to her who seems to be too enthralled with his issue of Fortune magazine to even notice what’s happening right next to him. Wake up guy! Slap it or pour some baby oil on it…. Something. I’ve got to get a copy of that magazine to see what the hell is so fascinating, it better be filled with picture of Karissa nude.

Blake Lively Completely Ruins The Moment

As far as see through tops go these are right up there Eva Longoria’s lame ones from a few days ago, but it’s Blake Lively and we’re in love so I’m posting them. Sometimes in a relationship you have to support your partner no matter what poor decisions they make. Like choosing to wear a bra under a top that is clearly thin enough to see through and then go for a little run in New York City in a short little skirt. I don’t like it, but I stand by her stupid stupid stupid decision. Call me.