Tag Archives: popular-trend

People Are Naming Their Babies After Kendrick Lamar And Chance the Rapper

Naming your baby after a famous rapper is becoming a popular trend, according to year-end data.

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People Are Naming Their Babies After Kendrick Lamar And Chance the Rapper

Watch Nya Lee (LHHNY) Admit To Having Illegal Booty-Shots! [Video]

Damn! The voluptuous Nya Lee chopped it up with VladTV recently and admitted to having gotten as* shots years ago. She explained that while she went through with the procedure successfully, she won’t ever refer someone to have it done to them, for it is very risky for various reasons. Nya went on to speak on why it’s become such a popular trend among women these days, and why so many try to hide the fact that they got their butt enhanced, rather than just accept it and own up to the truth. vladtv youtube

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Watch Nya Lee (LHHNY) Admit To Having Illegal Booty-Shots! [Video]

Samantha Pleet, Bahar Shahpar, and More Design ‘Little Newspaper Dress’ for Charity (Photos)

Bahar Shahpar’s newspaper yarn dress at the ‘Do-Gooder Design Challenge.’ Image courtesy of Yesterday’s News . Fashion designers don’t hesitate when it comes to making a statement in recycled fashion: From Gary Harvey’s ‘Financial Times’ dress to Project Runway winning designer Irina Shabayeva’s newspaper coat , the little newspaper dress–or LNS, for short–is a popular trend in sho… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Samantha Pleet, Bahar Shahpar, and More Design ‘Little Newspaper Dress’ for Charity (Photos)

It’s Thanksgiving, whattaya gonna do about it?

Here's a snippet of a post from the Current blog: Some of the top trending searches according to Google include queries about word of DJ Peachez’s death, Debbie Schlussel’s tirade about NBA sportscasters being yanked for the use of “Eye-Ran,” and Adam Lambert’s AMA Video awards. But the rule of the day has largely been queries about “Black Friday.” Scanning retailer specific queries is pretty telling: 1

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It’s Thanksgiving, whattaya gonna do about it?