Tag Archives: financial-times

Pharrell Says ‘Blurred Lines’ Verdict ‘Kills Creativity’

Pharrell broke his silence on the “Blurred Lines” verdict in a Financial Times interview where he said it could end up killing creativity.

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Pharrell Says ‘Blurred Lines’ Verdict ‘Kills Creativity’

Bye Bye Bacon! All That Crunchy Pork Is Going To Be Hard To Find Next Year

Whatever the reason behind the low numbers, you may want to enjoy your Ham a little bit more this Holiday season! According to The LA Times… “a world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidable,” according to an industry trade group. Blame the drought conditions that blazed through the corn and soybean crop this year. Less feed led to herds declining across the European Union “at a significant rate,” according to the National Pig Assn. in Britain. And the trend “is being mirrored around the world,” according to a release (hat tip to the Financial Times). In the second half of next year, the number of slaughtered pigs could fall 10%, doubling the price of European pork, according to the release. The trade group urged supermarkets to pay pig farmers a fair price for the meat to help cover the drought-related losses. In U.S. warehouses, pork supply soared to a record last month, rising 31% to 580.8 million pounds at the end of August from a year earlier, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The surge came as farmers scaled down their herds as feeding the animals became increasingly expensive. In July, global food prices leaped 10% from the month before, according to the World Bank. Maize and wheat jumped 25% while soybeans rose 17%. And before you even think about trying to hoard that other white meat you should know that isht won’t stay in the freezer for longer than a month without going bad! Images via shutterstock

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Bye Bye Bacon! All That Crunchy Pork Is Going To Be Hard To Find Next Year

Beck: Obama Will Blame Terror Attack On TSA Resistance

Fox News host warns that administration is preparing to exploit event to squelch resistance to airport security In little noticed comments made during an appearance on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show on Fox News, Glenn Beck warned that the Obama administration wouldn’t hesitate to exploit a terror attack targeting airliners to blame the event on people protesting naked body scanners and TSA groping in airports. The Fox News host said that the government was deliberately provoking the American people to rise up so they could squelch the growing resistance with an iron fist, noting that Obama has failed to give a single speech addressing the TSA revolt even amidst the biggest holiday travel period of the year. “Let’s get people to rise up and say no scanners….something happens, the President then has the ability to finally give a speech on airport security and say ‘I was trying to protect you and these people stood up against these scanners, and these people died because of it….you have to stop listening, I’ll protect you,” said Beck, implying that the Obama administration would exploit a terror attack to blame it on those protesting against scanners and TSA groping in airports. Beck added that people in the Obama administration were probably having casual conversations surrounding the potential of a terror attack targeting airline travel along the lines of, “Gee, it wouldn’t be so bad, would it?” Beck made similar comments earlier this month when he suggested that the Obama administration was preparing to stage an event that would be blamed on opponents of big government. Discussing how leftists need violence to realize their political agenda, Beck featured a clip in which former Clintonite and Democrat operative Mark Penn said Obama needs an OKC bombing-style event to regain his popularity. “Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?” said Penn on Chris Matthews’ Hardball show. “And the president right now seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech [after the bombing] that [Clinton] really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar” defining moment, according to Penn. As we have documented, Penn is not the only prominent insider to invoke exploitation of terror as a means of reinvigorating the big government agenda. Back in July, former senior advisor to President Bill Clinton Robert Shapiro wrote in the Financial Times that only an OKC bombing or 9/11 style event could provide Obama with the opportunity to demonstrate that he is a strong leader. After reading a letter written by Tides CEO and founder Drummond Pike that encouraged advertisers to boycott Fox News in a thinly veiled threat that implied Beck’s rhetoric is leading to another OKC bombing, Beck stated, “They are setting up an Oklahoma City, they are claiming that one is coming and they’re already marked the one who caused it,” referring to himself. The resistance to TSA groping and naked body scanners is only accelerating as Thanksgiving nears and a national opt-out protest is less than 48 hours away. More and more cases of TSA abuse continue to pour in on a daily basis as Transportation Security Administration head John Pistole indicates for the first time that the agency may be starting to cave to the backlash. Pistole told CNN’s State of the Union yesterday that screening procedures would not be altered but in a subsequent statement acknowledged that the TSA needed to make airport security “as minimally invasive as possible,” in response to the building nationwide outrage and vows by numerous airport directors to ditch the TSA altogether in favor of private security. http://www.prisonplanet.com/beck-obama-will-blame-terror-attack-on-tsa-resistanc… added by: im1mjrpain

Bush: ‘I’d Have Endorsed Obama If They’d Asked Me’ [Surprises]

During the 2008 campaign, President George W. Bush told a group of visiting Brits that he “probably” wouldn’t vote for McCain, according to Financial Times writer Alex Barker. That’s not all: He also said he would’ve endorsed Obama if asked. More

Samantha Pleet, Bahar Shahpar, and More Design ‘Little Newspaper Dress’ for Charity (Photos)

Bahar Shahpar’s newspaper yarn dress at the ‘Do-Gooder Design Challenge.’ Image courtesy of Yesterday’s News . Fashion designers don’t hesitate when it comes to making a statement in recycled fashion: From Gary Harvey’s ‘Financial Times’ dress to Project Runway winning designer Irina Shabayeva’s newspaper coat , the little newspaper dress–or LNS, for short–is a popular trend in sho… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Samantha Pleet, Bahar Shahpar, and More Design ‘Little Newspaper Dress’ for Charity (Photos)

Do World Fairs Make Sense Any More?

According to Edwin Heathcote in the Financial Times , Chicago’s Columbian Exhibition of 1893 changed everything. “The first Ferris wheel loomed above the “White City” and carried 2,160 people simultaneously on a 20-minute ride for 50 cents, every ride accompanied by a band in one of the cars. Nikola Tesla illuminated the fair in the biggest electric light show the world had ever seen, and displayed the first phosphorescent and neon lights. Meanwhile Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum, Cracker Jacks, Quaker Oats and Shredded Wheat made their first appearances; Scott Joplin introduced the world to the sync… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Do World Fairs Make Sense Any More?

Facebook “like” Button Getting Prevalent

The Facebook “like” button is getting prevalent on the Web. The Financial Times and the New York Times reported that the social networking giant with more than 400 million users worldwide will push through its “like” button features onto the Web sites, thus, enabling users to share preferences for news stories, Web sites and products more conveniently. On the recent update, Facebook users click the “like” button on Facebook.com to inform their online friends that they are interested in the statuses they update, videos upload, photos, events, invitations or other Facebook items. This change would put that functionality and convenience on many other Web sites by linking a person’s preferences for all kinds of things into Facebook social network. Another similar branch-out feature called Facebook Connect, which allows people to sign into other Web sites by using their Facebook account. The announcement is expected to come at Facebook’s annual developer conference, called f8, which will be held in San Franscisco on Wednesday. Facebook “like” Button Getting Prevalent is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Parsing The New York Times’ Paywall Plans: The Rumors, The Realities, and The Catch-22

Daily Intel’s Gabriel Sherman posted a report today with sources noting that the New York Times is “close to announcing” the return of an online content paywall .

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Parsing The New York Times’ Paywall Plans: The Rumors, The Realities, and The Catch-22

I Hereby Declare The Fashion Bloggers’ "Front Row" Status Trend Piece Over

Remember the days when the world of fashion used to be a scary place run by thin people in big sunglasses screechier, bitchier, thinner, and just better than you? Those days: gone

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I Hereby Declare The Fashion Bloggers’ "Front Row" Status Trend Piece Over

I Hereby Declare Fashion Bloggers’ "Front Row" Status Over

Remember the days when the world of fashion used to be a scary place run by thin people in big sunglasses screechier, bitchier, thinner, and just better than you? Those days: gone. Fashion’s now being run by bloggers.

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I Hereby Declare Fashion Bloggers’ "Front Row" Status Over