Tag Archives: maureen dowd

Open Thread: ‘F–k You, Boy!’

A cogent, if unexpected, result of the ongoing civil war in the Democratic Party has been the revalation among the mainstream press that (gasp) it's not racist to criticize Barack Obama. Better late than never, I suppose. Naomie Emery explores this fact in her Wednesday column : Boy, some people fly off the handle at nothing these days. “F— the president,” an unidentified Democrat said at a House caucus, concerning the tax deal President Obama cut with Republicans. At once, the keen ears of Maureen Dowd picked up a message: “Fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: 'F— you, boy!' ” There was no doubt in her mind that this was the message. read more

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Open Thread: ‘F–k You, Boy!’

Open Thread: ‘F–k You, Boy!’

A cogent, if unexpected, result of the ongoing civil war in the Democratic Party has been the revalation among the mainstream press that (gasp) it's not racist to criticize Barack Obama. Better late than never, I suppose. Naomie Emery explores this fact in her Wednesday column : Boy, some people fly off the handle at nothing these days. “F— the president,” an unidentified Democrat said at a House caucus, concerning the tax deal President Obama cut with Republicans. At once, the keen ears of Maureen Dowd picked up a message: “Fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: 'F— you, boy!' ” There was no doubt in her mind that this was the message. read more

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Open Thread: ‘F–k You, Boy!’

Desperate Dowd: Savior Obama Losing To Rough Beast Of The Right!

Imagine a movie: Maureen Dowd is seen thrashing around on her bed, clearly in the grips of a gruesome nightmare.  When she awakes, it is not to relief but to the horrifying discovery that reality is worse than anything her fevered brain had conjured. That is the sense of hopelessness, desperation and depression in which Dowd drowns in her New York Times column of today. The piece is one long lament, as Dowd decries the Dems’ fate.  Not only are they on the brink of losing–they are losing to opponents who are not merely wrong but “the worst” and “insane.” Dowd sees things in absolutely apocalyptic terms.   She depicts the right [symbolized by Christine O’Donnell] as Yeats’ beast of the Second Coming, aligned against Obama, whom she portrays as a weary and reluctant savior. What Dem, glorying in the apotheosis of Inauguration Day, could have imagined things falling so far, so fast?  Surely not Dowd, seen reduced to a pitiable personage beating her fists against a bitter fate.

See the article here:
Desperate Dowd: Savior Obama Losing To Rough Beast Of The Right!

NYT’s Maureen Dowd Critiques: ‘Thin-Skinned Obama’ Doesn’t Like Media Portrayal

Appearing with Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos, liberal journalist Maureen Dowd derided Barack Obama as “think-skinned” and not happy with media coverage. This prompted Stephanopoulos to admit, ” And his press hasn’t been nearly as bad as he thinks. ” Dowd prefaced her critique by analyzing Obama’s self image: “…I cut him a lot of slack here, because many presidents like JFK and W have rich daddies. And so, they have a lot of confidence. But he’s had to develop a lot of shields.” The New York Times columnist continued, “So, he’s thin-skinned. And when you’re thin-skinned, you like to control the image. And he doesn’t often like the image that the media has of him.” In regards to other problems the President has run into, she theorized, “Well, he can’t connect at moments. He wants to ride to the rescue. So, he holds back too much. And he doesn’t connect when he could.” As for journalists not being too tough on Obama, Stephanopoulos would know. During the 2008 campaign, for instance, he declared the Democratic presidential ticket the winner in all four debates. A partial transcript of the June 30 segment, which aired at 8:33am, follows: GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Before I let you go, speaking of President Obama, your Pulitzer Prize-winning colleague at the New York Post, Kathleen Parker, has a pretty provocative column out calling him our first female president. And I was wondering your take on it. Because, you have columns that go into a similar vein to that. DOWD: I love Kathleen. And I would agree with her that President Obama has female management traits. Consensus, compromise, and listening to everyone. Whereas people like Hillary and Sarah Palin have traditional male traits, which is alpha, “my way or the highway.” But, I don’t think his main problem is a gender one. It’s more of a humanoid one. STEPHANOPOULOS: Humanoid? DOWD: Well, he can’t connect at moments. He wants to ride to the rescue. So, he holds back too much. And he doesn’t connect when he could. He waits. It’s more like his mother is an anthropologist. He has that anthropologist side of just waiting and looking. That’s not really a male or female trait. It’s a problem. STEPHANOPOULOS: That’s fascinating. And I’m sure you know that this kind of analysis drives him nuts. DOWD: I know. He’s told me many times I’m irritating. I’m so proud. STEPHANOPOULOS: What’s irritated him most about your columns? DOWD: Oh, he doesn’t- He’s- he’s very unlike- You know, it’s funny and I cut him a lot of slack here, because many presidents like JFK and W have rich daddies. And so, they have a lot of confidence. But he’s had to develop a lot of shields. He’s come up, you know, basically, as Michelle says, he was raised by wolves. So, you know, he has a lot of shields. So, he’s thin-skinned. And when you’re thin-skinned, you like to control the image. And he doesn’t often like the image that the media has of him. STEPHANOPOULOS: And his press hasn’t been nearly as bad as he thinks. DOWD: No. But, he thinks it’s been bad. STEPHANOPOULOS: All presidents do. It comes with the territory. Maureen Dowd, thank you very much.

Original post:
NYT’s Maureen Dowd Critiques: ‘Thin-Skinned Obama’ Doesn’t Like Media Portrayal

MRC-TV: Bozell on Fox Biz Discussing NYT Columnists Attacking Obama From the Left

“Has the mainstream media — which turns left — have they abandoned the president on his economic policies?” Stuart Varney asked NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell in a brief interview held shortly after 10 a.m. today. The Media Research Center founder answered in the affirmative, noting that staunch liberals in the mainstream media think Obama is too conservative on his spending plans: BRENT BOZELL: It’s the columnists, particularly for the New York Times. It’s the four horsemen of the apocalypse from the Times. It’s Paul Krugman, it’s Frank Rich, it’s Maureen Dowd, it’s that crowd, they are out to get Obama now. Not from the right, from the left. STUART VARNEY: Yeah. I mean Bob Herbert, I think it was just yesterday, talking about the failure of the president’s policy. Missed opportunity. He wants another trillion dollar stimulus program. So does Paul Krugman. To watch the full interview, watch the embedded video above at right.

See the rest here:
MRC-TV: Bozell on Fox Biz Discussing NYT Columnists Attacking Obama From the Left

NYT Rips Obama: It Shouldn’t Have Taken So Long To Get Involved In Oil Spill

The New York Times editorial board on Sunday absolutely tore Barack Obama apart for his handling of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  “The president cannot plug the leak or magically clean up the fouled Gulf of Mexico. But he and his administration need to do a lot more to show they are on top of this mess, and not perpetually behind the curve,” wrote the Times.  “It certainly should not have taken days for Mr. Obama to get publicly involved in the oil spill, or even longer for his administration to start putting the heat on BP for its inadequate response and failure to inform the public about the size of the spill.”  Quite surprisingly, the Times was just getting warmed up:  If ever there was a test of President Obama’s vision of government – one that cannot solve all problems, but does what people cannot do for themselves – it is this nerve-racking early summer of 2010, with oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico and far too many Americans out of work for far too long. The country is frustrated and apprehensive and still waiting for Mr. Obama to put his vision into action. Americans need to know that Mr. Obama, whose coolness can seem like detachment, is engaged. This is not a mere question of presentation or stagecraft, although the White House could do better at both. (We cringed when he told the “Today” show that he had spent important time figuring out “whose ass to kick” about the spill. Everyone knew that answer on Day 2.) But a year and a half into this presidency, the contemplative nature that was so appealing in a candidate can seem indecisive in a president. His promise of bipartisanship seems naïve. His inclination to hold back, then ride to the rescue, has sometimes made problems worse. It took too long for Mr. Obama to say that the Coast Guard and not BP was in charge of operations in the gulf and it’s still not clear that is true. Readers should keep in mind this editorial was likely being produced at around the same time the paper’s Washington correspondent Helene Cooper was telling Chris Matthews Obama’s presidency “will go the way of Jimmy Carter’s” if he doesn’t get control of this spill. Adding insult to injury, Times columnist Maureen Dowd also went after Obama in her piece  published Sunday: The press traveling with Obama on the campaign never had a lovey-dovey relationship with him. He treated us with aloof correctness, and occasional spurts of irritation. Like many Democrats, he thinks the press is supposed to be on his side. The former constitutional lawyer now in the White House understands that the press has a role in the democracy. But he is an elitist, too, as well as thin-skinned and controlling. So he ends up regarding scribes as intrusive, conveying a distaste for what he sees as the fundamental unseriousness of a press driven by blog-around-the-clock deadlines. Sometimes on the campaign plane, I would watch Obama venture back to make small talk with the press, discussing food at an event or something light. Then I would see him literally back away a few moments later as a blast of questions and flipcams hit him. But that’s the world we live in. It hurts Obama to be a crybaby about it, and to blame the press and the “old Washington game” for his own communication failures. Now that Obama has been hit with negative press, he’s even more contemptuous. “He’s never needed to woo the press,” says the NBC White House reporter Chuck Todd. “He’s never really needed us.” So, as The Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz writes, the more press-friendly, emotionally accessible, if gaffe-prone Biden has become “the administration’s top on-air spokesman.” How ironic. Instead of The One, they’re sending out The Two. This means that in one weekend, the Times editorial board, its White House correspondent, and one of its top liberal columnists made harshly negative comments about the president they all helped get elected. This led Commentary magazine’s Jennifer Rubin to write Sunday: It’s one more sign that the bottom is dropping out on Obama’s support, and the unraveling of his presidency is picking up steam. Unless he gets a grip and finds some grown-ups from whom he is willing to take advice, this is not going to improve.  Indeed. 

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NYT Rips Obama: It Shouldn’t Have Taken So Long To Get Involved In Oil Spill

Was Obama Angry Enough on Larry King? [Emotions]

This was Obama’s big night to prove he doesn’t believe he is a robot king ruling over robot world. A Larry King interview! There is no better place to show the world your tender human feelings about the oil spill . More

Parsing The New York Times’ Paywall Plans: The Rumors, The Realities, and The Catch-22

Daily Intel’s Gabriel Sherman posted a report today with sources noting that the New York Times is “close to announcing” the return of an online content paywall .

Here is the original post:
Parsing The New York Times’ Paywall Plans: The Rumors, The Realities, and The Catch-22

Fallen Portfolio Editor Joanne Lipman’s Self-Serving Feminism Screed: 9/11, Sissies, Etc.

Remember Portfolio ? The nearly stillborn Conde publication’s fallen editor Joanne Lipman ‘s back, with an editorial for Sunday’s Times entitled “The Mismeasure Of Woman,” where she argues that feminism’s stalled out.

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Fallen Portfolio Editor Joanne Lipman’s Self-Serving Feminism Screed: 9/11, Sissies, Etc.