Tag Archives: posting-actual

Exxon Gave $1.5 Million to Climate Denier Groups in 2009

Photo via the Guardian How does that old saying go? “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well, I won’t get fooled again.” Something like that (thanks, Dubya). Maybe the revised maxim holds some truth in this case: I certainly won’t believe a word Exxon Mobil’s PR factory churns out, perhaps ever again. The oil giant has manipulated the public into buying its crap (metaphorically speaking, at least) for the last time, as far as I’m concerned. So what am I rambling about? Well, for the second time, Exxon has b… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Exxon Gave $1.5 Million to Climate Denier Groups in 2009

BP Photoshopped Fake Crisis Command Center for Website (Pics)

Oh man, this keeps getting better and better — can’t BP do something without lying or deceiving the public about it? How about something as simple as posting actual photos of its command center in Houston on the company website? Evidently not. No, a sharp-eyed blogger over at Americablog has uncovered that the company has photoshopped its command center . He quips, “I guess if you’re doing fake crisis response, you might as well fake a photo of the crisis response center.” Indeed. See the bizarre Photoshop job revealed below:… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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BP Photoshopped Fake Crisis Command Center for Website (Pics)