Tag Archives: posting-erotica

Deli Lovato Butt Shot of the Day

Demi Lovato is on some LOOK at me kick. Her long term boyfriend must be over her and she’s mad about it – so she’s shaped up and is posting look at pics of me where you have to deal with knowing you can’t get with it anymore… To which he says “I am fez from that 70s show and I was fucking you when you were fat to distract you from all the hot chicks I was fucking behind your back when you were on tour, but good job on the getting fit and posting erotica, it kind of takes away credibility from you body positive stance you had when you were dating me and fat….maybe you coulda done the fit slut thing when we were fucking so I didn’t have to deal with that belly…”….at least that’s what I’d say… The post Deli Lovato Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Deli Lovato Butt Shot of the Day

Pia Mia Perez Ass in Shorts of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some Tahitian or Guam aspiring actress or singer teen who managed to make it big enough in terms of fans…thanks to being looped into the right Hollywood rich kid scene…possibly on TV, who knows, I’m too lazy to google… I just know she’s some kind of very short person, with her own entourage thanks to stage parenting, you know when you think you have a hit, you maximize that shit, especially when it is your kid…and you made them…channelling your dreams through them…because you own them..and now she’s posting erotica to her social media…and I am into that….it may not break the internet like it was Kim Kardashian….but it is a pretty fucking slutty picture….and good things to come…

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Pia Mia Perez Ass in Shorts of the Day

Pia Mia Perez Ass in Shorts of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some Tahitian or Guam aspiring actress or singer teen who managed to make it big enough in terms of fans…thanks to being looped into the right Hollywood rich kid scene…possibly on TV, who knows, I’m too lazy to google… I just know she’s some kind of very short person, with her own entourage thanks to stage parenting, you know when you think you have a hit, you maximize that shit, especially when it is your kid…and you made them…channelling your dreams through them…because you own them..and now she’s posting erotica to her social media…and I am into that….it may not break the internet like it was Kim Kardashian….but it is a pretty fucking slutty picture….and good things to come…

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Pia Mia Perez Ass in Shorts of the Day