Tag Archives: power-during

Who Should Team Green Eliminate From The Challenge?

The ‘Challenge’ Green Team got unprecedented power during tonight’s episode — but what are they going to do with it?

Who Should Team Green Eliminate From The Challenge?

Daily Links – May 10, 2012


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Today is May 10th. On this date in 1924, J. Edgar Hoover was appointed as acting director of the FBI. He became the official director later that year. Hoover wielded tremendous power during his 48 year tenure, and [redacted] from the [redacted] six chickens [redacted] threw the bottle at the midget [redacted] so everyone just ate the soup. Also on this date, in 1863, Confederate General “Stonewall”… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 09/05/2012 21:48 Number of articles : 2

Daily Links – May 10, 2012