Tag Archives: from-the-kindle

Daily Links – May 10, 2012


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Today is May 10th. On this date in 1924, J. Edgar Hoover was appointed as acting director of the FBI. He became the official director later that year. Hoover wielded tremendous power during his 48 year tenure, and [redacted] from the [redacted] six chickens [redacted] threw the bottle at the midget [redacted] so everyone just ate the soup. Also on this date, in 1863, Confederate General “Stonewall”… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 09/05/2012 21:48 Number of articles : 2

Daily Links – May 10, 2012

This & That: Know This: Argentina has approved a…


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This & That: Know This: Argentina has approved a sweeping transgender bill of rights. All seven Harry Potter books will be available from the Kindle store June 19. The Colbert Report welcomes its first-ever engagement. The guys behind Scary Movie plan to parody The Hunger Games with The Starving Games . Read This: The story of how Tupperware almost didn’t happen. A new obesity in America report paints… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 10/05/2012 03:00 Number of articles : 2

This & That: Know This: Argentina has approved a…

Sky to launch 3D TV channel next year

BSkyB has announced it will become the first broadcaster in Europe to offer a 3D TV channel, beginning next year. The channel will offer sports, movies and other entertainment, in 3D.

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Sky to launch 3D TV channel next year

Amazon sued over ‘1984’ e-book removal

Amazon has been sued this week by 17-yr old Justin D. Gawronski, a high school student who says the e-tailer’s controversial removal of George Orwell’s classic 1984 e-book from Kindle readers caused him to lose all his notes he had taken on the book for an assignment at school.

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Amazon sued over ‘1984’ e-book removal