Tag Archives: prefer-jerking

Peyton Roi List Bikini on Instagram of the Day

Peyton Roi List is some up and coming slut and I believe to stay relevant as a site I must find the Diseny mainstream sluts that old creeps who still visit websites are jerking off to. I think this is one of them…. All these bitches are irrelevant to me, I prefer jerking off to chicks from TINDER and instagram and the non famous girls who are actually much hotter, but I’m progressive like that, and don’t need some casting agent or producer to dictate what I cum to…. I can figure that one out on my own, but you….you’re the one I’m worried about… The post Peyton Roi List Bikini on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Peyton Roi List Bikini on Instagram of the Day

Porn Stars Bull Riding of the Day

I don’t watch porn. People think I am lying when I tell them that, they think I am making some kind of silly joke to be funny, but the truth is that I prefer jerking off to nudes of real life people, the emotional connection, even though I have no emotions, is just stronger. Regular girls I know, or meet on tinder spreading ass for me, or making videos of them fucking panties, or spanking their pussies, or even filming the exact moment they cum…is just way hotter than sub-par girls getting paid 1000 dollars to do it in some cheesy setting…with a cheesy storyline… I do like porn from the 70s, when it was shot on film, when less movies were being made, when girls had to do casting calls…. Now the internet just wants content, more and more shitty content, because people want more and more and more…that the porn companies will cast anyone willing to fuck on camera…and the whole allure or edginess of porn from the Glory Days when creepers like Larry Flynt were getting shot to make it legal…are long gone.. That said, I am totally into seeing Porn stars Hope Harper, Dava Fox and Prestine Edge bull riding. The post Porn Stars Bull Riding of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the original post here:
Porn Stars Bull Riding of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Bikini Pictures of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is making her way to the top of the bikini model ladder and rightfully so. I’ve been saying that Marisa Miller bitch and her hard skeletal face needs to retire her hard fuckin’ body and make way for fresher, less menopausal pussy and I guess this is Victoria’s Secret not so secret answer. This South African, like so many other South Africans, who constantly remind me that I should be living in South Africa, because all their South African pussy is this solid except for the South African pussy with AIDS….

Originally posted here:
Candice Swanepoel Bikini Pictures of the Day