Tag Archives: pretty-recent

Kim Kardashian in a Tight Dress of the Day

That header picture is not of Kim Kardashian’s ass. It is of you bloated front, because I guess the harnesses she’s been using all these years to make her look like she’s got a flat stomach and toned uterus failed her…which I guess just shows us that there comes a time in every chubby girl’s life that her laziness and her bad eating habits just can’t be contained the way they used to before you turned 30….Maybe Kim Kardashian just looks huge next to her tiny sister, who happens to be at her fattest thanks to pregnancy, and I don’t really care cuz I find the whole thing pretty erotic….I’m not picky… I just like people to know she’s fat cuz otherwise we’re teaching our kids the wrong lessons about good body image and we’ll have a society filled with people on medical scooter racing to the fast food joint…I like doing my part to help save society… She was also out showing off some tit in a dress with a window…cuz that’s what attention craving sluts do…they let us watch and again I find the whole thing pretty erotic even if I’m not so into pornstars…. Apparently she’s been out there trying to get as much attention as possible because she has a new reality show….that covers such serious issues as her pretending to work out and her mad that Kourtney Invited Scott to live with them in NYC when it was supposed to be Kim’s alone time with Kourtney….cuz her sister’s baby having a father is less important than Kim being happy…Typical crap I can’t believe exists….

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Kim Kardashian in a Tight Dress of the Day

Lil Kim’s Cameltoe of the Day

Lil Kim had a cameltoe. I am not sure when these pictures are from, because I don’t keep track of Lil Kim’s travel schedule, but I do keep track of her cameltoes and based on the size of her lip, I can only assume it’s pretty recent and that she’s been fisted a lot since her last cameltoe…. I don’t know what I am talking about, I just now this was B.I.G.’s sideline hooker with a dirty mouth, from my experience the girls who talk a big game are the worst in bed, but Kim’s consistently brought the slut that she is or that she pretends to be and we should celebrate that… To See The Rest of the Pics – Follow THis Link GO

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Lil Kim’s Cameltoe of the Day