Tag Archives: primates

Mountain Gorilla Population Increases 25% in Central African National Parks

photo: Naaman Saar Stavy / Creative Commons Some great news for gorillas and conservation: WWF reports that a survey conducted in the Central Africa’s Virunga Massif –that’s a region containing three national parks in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda–has found that the world’s largest population of mountain gorillas has increased by more than 25%… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Mountain Gorilla Population Increases 25% in Central African National Parks

UN Recommends Chili Ping Pong Balls & Snake-Filled Bread to Stop Animals Marauding African Farms

photo: flickrfavorites The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has some novel and low-tech solutions for dealing with the age-old problem of wild animals raiding the crops of African farmers : Chili peppers to drive off elephants, guard donkeys for lions, cheetahs, and hyenas, and (perhaps my favorite for sheer inventiveness) placing live snakes in loaves of bread … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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UN Recommends Chili Ping Pong Balls & Snake-Filled Bread to Stop Animals Marauding African Farms

Chimps Enjoy a Good Tune, Too

Love of music is universal among people, but when did that taste evolve?

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Chimps Enjoy a Good Tune, Too