Tag Archives: virunga-massif

Will Barcoding DNA Save Species on the Brink?

Zebras are naturally barcoded. Photo via wwarby We’ve heard of barcoding trees to prevent deforestation , and tagging animals to track them for scientific purposes is an everyday practice. But what about barcoding the DNA of all animals across the planet to protect them from illegal poaching, trapping or over-hunting? The International Barcode of Life project aims to do just that by assigning a barcode to each individual speci… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Will Barcoding DNA Save Species on the Brink?

Mountain Gorilla Population Increases 25% in Central African National Parks

photo: Naaman Saar Stavy / Creative Commons Some great news for gorillas and conservation: WWF reports that a survey conducted in the Central Africa’s Virunga Massif –that’s a region containing three national parks in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda–has found that the world’s largest population of mountain gorillas has increased by more than 25%… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Mountain Gorilla Population Increases 25% in Central African National Parks