The ladies of The Real congratulate Kobe on his final season in the game …and Tamar reveals a little known tidbit about her own past with the baller. YouTube
Guess The Cakes This Hollywood A-lister is known for being a prime example of the “Black Don’t Crack” phenomenon , and is giving women half her age a run for their money, body-wise. She hasn’t been in a major motion picture role herself too recently, but still managed to cause an uproar during the last Oscar season. So…do these cakes look familiar to you? Hit the flip to see if you pinpointed this posterior… Splash
Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth Gunned Down While Pumping Gas America…the land of shootings and senseless murders. Via CNN A man “believed to be the alleged gunman” in the killing of a uniformed Houston-area sheriff’s deputy was in custody and being questioned Saturday morning, Sgt. William Kennard of the Texas Department of Public Safety told CNN. No charges have been filed against the man, Kennard said. The man’s name wasn’t given. It was the man’s mother who called the Harris County Sheriff’s Department about her son, Kennard said. “All the information she had heard led to him.” A red pickup truck was parked at the spot where deputies took the person in custody, according to video shot by CNN affiliate KTRK. Authorities had said the suspect drove away from the shooting in a red Ford Ranger. The suspect shot Deputy Darren H. Goforth, 47, while the deputy was filling up his patrol car at a Chevron station just after 8:30 p.m. (9:30 p.m. ET), Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman said. “Deputy Goforth was refueling his vehicle and returning to his car from inside the convenience store when, unprovoked, a man walked up behind him and literally shot him to death.” Goforth was shot multiple times from behind and then fell to the ground, where the suspect shot the deputy multiple times again, said Deputy Thomas Gilliland, a spokesman for the sheriff’s office. Goforth, a 10-year veteran of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, died at the scene. R.I.P. Deputy Darren Goforth. Image via AP
Ronda Rousey is a professional fighter…that everyone loves because she always wins, but who I think is a prime example of dudes sexualizing anything with a vagina, even when they shouldn’t be sexualized, because there’s absolutely nothing hot about her, and the only people who are drawn to jerking off to her are either closet case dudes, or dudes with a weird fetish of being submissive to a girl who can beat them up… She did Kimmel the other day.. doing some promo for her next fight… Which is totally fine..she’s an athlete, celebrate that…it’s like this girl is a beast, looks like a beast…but we don’t need to doll her up or strip her down in Men’s magazines to come across like anything sexy or sexual…because she’s popular… The other day Sports illustrated released this video of Ronda Rousey, the UFC Fighter…like she was hot..proof that if you have a pussy, if you’re successful and have a pussy, dudes are going to jerk off to you and want to see you naked…even when they probably shouldn’t… That said, I’m ready for the lesbian sex tape, I’ve seen her fights and they are pretty close to that…just in too much clothes…oright… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ronda Rousey Channels Caitlyn Jenner of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
There are certain responses parents hope for when delivering news of a pregnancy to their children. Perhaps a few tears of joy ? Or an excited expression of gratitude ? Pretty much anything except how the boy in the following video reacts. Sitting alongside a young sibling, the child is VERY disturbed by his mom’s news. He’s stunned, he’s angry, he can’t comprehend why she would do this. “This is exasperating,” the boy hilariously says at one point, ending his rant by asking his mother to buy him ear plugs for the impending child. It’s an amazing piece of footage and you need to stop whatever you are currently doing to watch: Little Boy Yells at Mom for Getting Pregnant This is definitely a prime example of a cute kid reacting to something. He’s just not doing it in a way his mother wants to see or hear. Cute Kids React to Stuff 1. We’re Going to Disneyland?!? What happens when parents tell their daughter the family is going to Disneyland? An awesomely adorable reaction.
This is a debate that will find no resolution, but is a prime example of the confidence of one Michael Jordan. According to Air Jordan himself, the NBA legend believes that in his prime he could beat LeBron James one-on-one, but Kobe Bryant would give him trouble for an interesting reason…. Continue
This is a prime example of a butterface. Here is Made In Chelsea star Lily Fortescue enjoying a little beach time. I’ve never heard of her before and this will probably be the last times you see her on the site. Anyway, it’s a good thing she has a great little body because she has a face only a mother could love. I’d still hit it though. It beats hitting the crevice between my mattress and box spring.