Tag Archives: pristine-as-kim

Yuck On Yuck: Vomit-Filled Bag Left On Flight Spills All Over California Couple Returning From Hawaii

Vomit-Filled Bag Left On Flight Spills All Over California Couple A California couple returning from a romantic anniversary trip in Hawaii came across a disgusting surprise after taking their seats on the plane ride back… Via HuffPo : On a United Airlines flight home from an anniversary trip with her husband, Janet Masters discovered a vomit-filled motion sickness bag that had been wrapped in a blanket and stuffed in the seat back pocket. “I’ve seen and dealt with a lot of gross things,” Masters told CBS Sacramento. “Here’s someone’s bodily fluids that I’m being exposed to.” To make matters worse, when Masters attempted to hand the repulsive package off to a flight attendant, vomit reportedly spilled onto her and her husband. And despite a seat change, the smell stuck with them for the duration of the flight. “Smelling that smell on us and around us was just totally, totally disgusting,” Masters said. A United Airlines representative apologized to the couple, saying “our cleaners apparently failed to clean all of the seatback pockets.” The airline assured the couple that its aircraft are outfitted with appropriate cleaning kits, and gave them a $300 credit toward a future United flight. But that may not be enough to get the Masters’ on another United plane. “I’ve lost a lot of faith and trust with the airline,” Masters said. Yuck on yuck on YUCK!!! Getty

See the article here:
Yuck On Yuck: Vomit-Filled Bag Left On Flight Spills All Over California Couple Returning From Hawaii

Washed Clean: An Emotional Amber Rose Publicly Forgives Kanye For Calling Her “Dirty”

Amber Rose Forgives Kanye West For “30 Showers” Comment Amber Rose’s Slut Walk event to end slut-shaming and rape victim-blaming took place yesterday, and the socialite took the opportunity to clear the air between her and her ex Kanye West. Back in February, Kanye said in an interview that he needed about 30 showers to wash Amber Rose’s “filth” off of him before moving on to a woman as chaste and pristine as Kim Kardashian…. Needless to say, Amber was hurt and offended by Kanye trying to paint her as a dirty slore — especially as a wife and mother herself. This helped kick off the feud between Amber and the Kardashian clique for the next few months. But at , Amber decided to publicly let go of the statement made about her and move forward in peace. Well, good for Amber. Even thought Kanye never bothered to apologize, Amber forgiving him and moving on from that situation after this event will probably give her some peace. What do you think? Was it time for Amber to let all 30 of those showers go?? SplashNews

Read more here:
Washed Clean: An Emotional Amber Rose Publicly Forgives Kanye For Calling Her “Dirty”