Tag Archives: probably-poor

Lady Gaga is the Pig on Miley’s Magazine Cover of the Day

Lady Gaga is a chubby little pig that we can assume was in the cover of the Miley Cyrus Paper Magazine cover they tried to break the internet with – even though we’ve all seen Miley’s tits…and pubic hair painted pink…at least in our fantasies… People tend to forget that Gaga pretty much paved the way for girls like Miley to embrace “weird” and scandal, without having any level of autheticity… Whether one was a rich kid or a Disney kid…they both had a team of people advising them on “Gay is a good market, do gay, and kids these days on tumblr love having double lives where they get naked and think they are feminists”…virtually the same candy coated bullshit scammer manipulated a generation that doesn’t dig beneath the surface… All this to say, I’d dig beneath Gaga’s surface and into her anus…thanks to having a rally fun ass that I grabbed before she was famous, pretty much Father’s day in 2009…and I remember…because I was like for such a gross face and seemingly gross body…this ass is firm as fuck…true story…that ends with my peak…and have since thrown in the towel..but to be honest..the towel was already thrown in then… Here she is being disgusting and crying for attention somewhere. The post Lady Gaga is the Pig on Miley’s Magazine Cover of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lady Gaga is the Pig on Miley’s Magazine Cover of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak for Porter No. 9 Magazine of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak is an Eastern Eruopean model who I’ve heard is terrible, but she’s in this shoot with David Bellemere who is one of my favorite photographers, for something called Porter No.9, and she’s fucking lovely and I don’t hold her communist, probably poor, being sold off to American modeling agencies against her, I mean why the fuck wouldn’t she work for evil corporations making more in a day than her family makes in a fucking year, and why wouldn’t she be an absolute cunt about it, these communists have no souls…it’s not news people… Here are the pics. Here’s Andreea Diaconu…also in Porter Magazine but in shitty pics…maybe one day she’ll get a post of her own… The post Magdalena Frackowiak for Porter No. 9 Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Magdalena Frackowiak for Porter No. 9 Magazine of the Day