Tag Archives: protein-shakes

Alessandra Ambrosio New Mommy Goodness

Didn’t Alessandra Ambrosio just have a kid like a month ago? How do these women do it? All I hear from my married friends is that their wives just can’t lose the baby weight, that doesn’t seem to be a problem for supermodels. I guess when your business depends on your body and all you normally eat in a day are a couple of protein shakes and some almonds, it doesn’t take much to bounce back. I don’t care what she did, I’m just glad she’s back and better than ever. Better because her boobs are bigger… Obviously.

Friday Box Office: The Expendables Explode

Sorry ladies: this weekend at the box office is all about the men. The Expendables — Sylvester Stallone’s paean to the power of protein shakes — crashed to the top of the charts on Friday night, besting newcomers Eat, Pray, Love and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World with ease. Of the latter film: Yikes. Universal will have to find a cheat code to keep Edgar Wright’s whizbang graphic novel adaptation out of fifth place. Click ahead for the top-five.

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Friday Box Office: The Expendables Explode

Dane Cook — Goody Two Shoes of Comedy

Filed under: Wacky & Weird According to Dane Cook, he “don’t drink, don’t smoke” — so what does he do?Well, yesterday leaving Crunch gym, he double-fisted protein shakes, introduced us to his “parents” and called his time with our photog his “favorite interview” ever.You … Permalink

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Dane Cook — Goody Two Shoes of Comedy