Tag Archives: provided-their

Irina Shayk’s Titties for Guess of the Day

Soccer girlfriend Irina Shayk is in some ad campaign for some company that isn’t paying me to post her cleavage…..but is likely paying her because she’s a big model now and not the mail order bride she was destined to be provided their was no fall to the iron curtain…seriously, she’s got sex trade written all over her, but maybe that’s just because I know she’s used her pussy to get ahead regardless of communism….and that was with some soccer player who is likely gay but can’t let the world know he’s gay cuz the world…especially soccer fans…despite what logic tells us…are the biggest homophobes and that could end bad for him as riots start when the men who jerk off to his skill realize that’s his favorite part of his job and that he likes it…making it all very gay….even though it was gay to begin with…but sometimes pretending it isn’t makes living with yourself easier…especially if you are catholic…..and here are the tits he likely doens’t get much use out of…

Irina Shayk’s Titties for Guess of the Day

Kate Upton Picture Moment

Vanessa Hudgens’ Got Some Sweet Legs On Her

These pictures of Vanessa Hudgens aren’t the most spectacular shots around, but I like the girl and think she’s got a lot of potential… Not as an actor or anything, I’m not a complete moron, I mean purely as a hottie. Anyone who walks around in a tiny shirt and heels is alright with me, provided their height and weight are proportionate of course. I like the contrast in her outfit, her top half says nice, cozy, warm and respectful and her bottom half says she’s dancing next on main stage. I wish.