Tag Archives: psas-on-drugs

Jodie Marsh Dancing Body Builder of the Day

Her name is Jodie Marsh and she was once a pretty famous and successful Glamour model, which is UK code for hooker with daddy issues, stupid tits, and a willingness to get naked because the cheesy club she works at doesn’t get her rich boyfriends, but being a “published” model and I use that lightly is a stamp of approval that gets her into the VIP room to do her hooking proper… Well, since it’s Flashback friday, I felt it was important to remember what cheesy, trashy, was…in the mid 2000s, and see what it has become today… Surprisingly, not a porn star, possibly a hooker, but into fitness and posting these videos of her doing some dance routine for what I assume is a competition… I’m more into her selfies..

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Jodie Marsh Dancing Body Builder of the Day

Miley Cyrus About To Get High As Fuck of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted this video of her, in the dark, saying “About To Get High As Fuck”….because that’s what Miley Cyrus does…and I think it’s probably not a very good influence on retard kids who are clearly retards because they look up to her. I am not saying getting high is bad, I am saying getting high because Miley gets high is bad, and you know that somewhere out there, 12 year old girls are railing lines of MDMA they stole from their sister…cuz Miley did it.. I was much more into celebrity in a time when they were doing more Cocaine than the Mexican drug cartel transporting it…but were doing PSAs on drugs being bad…it was this perfect level of hypocrisy because Christian America frowned on bad behavior, making when people did bad behaviour, a hell of a lot more fucking fun… Now it’s like Miley does it, so I don’t want to do it….kind of thing…and the people who shouldn’t be doing are doing it… It’s the hip hop, internet generation of putting it all out there, but I prefer if what she’s putting out there is her vagina in videos on mute…than this hick chuckle shit that takes directly to my core…in a bad way… All this to say. Miley is the devil and represents the fall of society…here she is GLAMPING. I like her friend’s tits. If you want to see her in a see through dress showing panty – it’s boring – but worth the click – CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus About To Get High As Fuck of the Day