Tag Archives: psychoactive

Jack Herer in critical condition

From a Norml Facebook Update: #NORML BREAKING NEWS @JackHerer taken from backstage at Portland Hempstalk by ambulance to hospital, suffered collapse, cause unknown. Jack Herer (born June 18, 1939) is an American political activist and the author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes (ISBN 0-9524560-0-1) (1985), a book which has been used in efforts to decriminalize cannabis and is considered by many to be the Bible for marijuana and hemp enthusiast which he offers online for FREE at his website Jackherer.com. A former Goldwater Republican, Herer is now a pro-marijuana and hemp activist.

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Jack Herer in critical condition

California Court Says Patients Can Collectively Grow Medical Marijuana

Officer, release that plant! By Steve Elliott in Chronic City Some rural sheriff’s departments still haven’t really come to terms with the fact that medical marijuana is now legal in California, despite having had since 1996 to adjust to the concept.

The rest is here:
California Court Says Patients Can Collectively Grow Medical Marijuana

The Volcano Vaporizer Getting many Positive Reviews

A vaporizer is a machine that uses heat to release certain medicinal drugs and other therapeutic compounds from plants and herbs. It is also commonly used in aromatherapy or phyto-inhalation

Originally posted here:
The Volcano Vaporizer Getting many Positive Reviews