Teresa Giudice should send a muffin basket to Danielle Staub . Granted, these two Real Housewives of New Jersey despise each other and went at it angrily enough for the police to be called on them last week – but Staub’s antics have distracted viewers from focusing on Giudice’s significant problems, which boil down to this: She might be going to jail. A couple months ago, Teresa and her husband filed for bankruptcy. But a new report in The Wall Street Journal states the couple allegedly concealed key documents about their finances and business transactions. The pair is also accused, by According to Chapter 7 trustee John Sywilok, of “making false statements under oath about their assets, income and expenses.” We’ll keep readers apprised of this development, along with more troubling news for the Giudices: On August 22, there will be a public auction of the contents inside the couple’s mansion.

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Teresa Giudice Really Might Go to Jail