Tag Archives: public-urinal

Prince Kicks Kim Kardashian Off Stage of the Day

I guess Kim Kardashian is at the point of entitled where she feels like her big round porno sex tape making ass has the right to do whatever the fuck she wants…She’s untouchable…except when making sex tapes with black dudes who not only touch her….and have unprotected sex with her…but also pee on her….not that it matters..she’s done a great job making the world forget her sex tape…. Even Though They Can Buy It Here It is all our fucking fault for making her this brand everyone loves and that I don’t understand…but here’s her latest story…cuz her D cup titties and fat ass have given us the opportunity to really get to know her….annoying personality that’s conning us while making millions… So she got on stage with Prince, he kicked her off, cuz she has no right fucking up his show or cheapening it by showing her 5 foot 2 frame being taller than him and if you want to read the funny story about how she refused to dance cuz she thought it would ruin her gut harness that makes her look less fat or maybe cuz her only move is being a public urinal at a Jamaican bobsled training session for the locals..if you know what I mean ….no racist. follow this link ….


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Prince Kicks Kim Kardashian Off Stage of the Day