Tag Archives: pull-off-some

Kara Del Toro Has A Dangerous “Job”

Kara Del Toro posted these pictures of her on a cliff showing the dangers of being an Instagram model. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks. Now the rock she was on was probably only 3 feet high and I’m sure her life wasn’t in danger, but a sprained ankle could ruin her feed for at least a few weeks. Anyway, she managed to pull off some awesome booty shots and not get hurt. And people say being an InstaModel isn’t hard work.          

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Kara Del Toro Has A Dangerous “Job”

Iggy Azalea’s Ass Outfit of the Day

Iggy Azalea is some fake stripper turned fake popstar fake female rapper because she was clever enough to pull off some kind of lie and release a video that went viral – establishing her career, her brand, her fans…because it’s just that easy. Like the girl I follow on IG who made one viral video of her falling hard in public, only to release a new video of her falling hard in public every week, because she feels she has to…her life reduced to that…and it gets her paid..because the public don’t have brains, don’t get bored, and keep encouraging idiots… Iggy Azalea is a shameless attention seeker and part of her brand is her fat fake ass, that is digusting but dudes like it and I guess she’s crafted some CHAPS, or ASSLESS Pants she saw dudes in the gay bathouses wearing…to wear on stage…to showcase her shitty implants…like they are some kind of museum piece…shipped from town to town…like the freakshow that it is… The post Iggy Azalea’s Ass Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iggy Azalea’s Ass Outfit of the Day

Amy Schumer’s Pepperoni Nipple from all Her Pizza Eating of the Day

Amy Schumer the monster with the monster nipple that matches her big creepy as fucking face…and I am not a fan of hers….she’s a hack, she’s not funny, she’s not cute in the least… I assume that this is an attempt to make sure no one sees this movie, but I am hoping that no one sees this movie regardless of her nipple, because her in her entirety is shit. Scamming shit that managed to pull off some miracle with weird sex jokes about herself, that I believe because dudes will fuck anything, but that I don’t need to hear about because she’s disgusting and broadcasting it out there is not empowering, like she pretends it is, it’s just her making a joke out of herself, the joke…..to deal with the sadness that comes with being a monster…a rich monster…who will also realize that money won’t fill that void…sending her back to fuck as many dudes as she can to try to fill it, only to fail and eventually kill herself like we all want her to do!! YAY… The future is bright… The post Amy Schumer’s Pepperoni Nipple from all Her Pizza Eating of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Amy Schumer’s Pepperoni Nipple from all Her Pizza Eating of the Day

Blake Lively Does Nylon

The day is always brighter when I’ve got a post on my future ex-wife Blake Lively , birds are chirping, the sun is shinning and homeless people are throwing compliments instead of feces. Here she is looking as stunning as usual in Nylon magazine. Almost too stunning if that’s even possible, our wedding photographer is going to have to pull off some fancy photoshop work to match us up.

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Blake Lively Does Nylon