Tag Archives: pure-creativity

What Is a Thought?

What is a thought? Where does it come from? Once you have a thought where does it disappear? What comes first a feeling or a thought? Thought comes from pure consciousness, but it has to go through conditioned consciousness, before it surfaces. If your thought comes from the field of pure conciseness, it is the evolutionary impulse of the universe. It is pure creativity. If your thought is coming from conditioned consciousness, it is based on previous experience and pretty much a repetition and it is in constricted awareness. Expanded awareness, though it is a higher level, is still a conditioned awareness; you just connected through the web of relationships. In pure awareness you are connected to the whole universe. At the level of pure awareness, where you are truly free and your thoughts follow the evolutionary impulse you can reach the realm of pure creativity, beyond any problems and beyond the need for any solutions. Read more on Deepak Chopra’s official website: www.deepakchopra.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com http://www.youtube.com/v/7dwCsO3c0OQ?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More here: What Is a Thought?


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What Is a Thought?