Tag Archives: rationed-bread

Nina Dubrev is a Nice Little Slut of the Day

Here is some Bulgarian Canadian immigrant because Canada has very weak immigration laws and they let everyone, including me in. She the American dream ny getting a job on Degrassi instead of training bears to juggle while balancing on a bals like all her ancestors before her did. Now, she is on The Vampire Diaries, a show I will never watch, but that has strategically milked the Vampire revivial and I assume virgin losers everywhere are making her their new Sarah Michelle Gellar Buffy girlfriend like they were 15 year old girls. She is 20 and originally from a communist country, and like all girls from communist countries, she has big genitals, they just do it bigger behind the iron curtain thanks to genetic altering rationed bread to make them strong like bull, and big genitals are a fetish of mine. If the pussy doesn’t hang halfway down the thigh, I’m not satisfied. I have no idea what I am talking about, but I do know she wouldn’t made a good mail-order bride, too bad she escaped and is now richer than all of us….cunt. Pics via Bauer

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Nina Dubrev is a Nice Little Slut of the Day

Aria Paradiso Showing off Her Stomach of the Day

I’ve never heard of Paradiso, but apparently they are some band and I have no interest in looking them up because I’m only posting this cuz she’s in some see-thru mess bullshit that is touching her pussy, ass and tits all at the same time, in some kind of magical article of clothing that has far more reach or skill than my hands, cuz I can only do pussy and ass, or pussy and tit or ass at tit at the same time, I never mastered all three lady parts at once, and for that, this American Apparel leotard is a far better lover than I could ever be…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Aria Paradiso Showing off Her Stomach of the Day

Some Russian Chick in a Bikini Fights with a Bartender of the Day

Here is a bitch in her bikini who is supposed to be Russian, but isn’t the kind of Russian I’d want her to be, you know in line for rationed bread on her way home fromt he work camp, but I guess that’s what happens when you open up communism, another thing that happens, is the bitch can turn around and prostitute herself internationally for american men whoc an’t get laid to find that hot wife they’ve always wanted with the beauty of them not being able to speak the language, at least in theory, because when you unwrap the package when it arrives, you realize that Russian bitches are fucking mental cases…this video is the proof….I guess…I stopped watching when the guy in the Speedo came to save the day.

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Some Russian Chick in a Bikini Fights with a Bartender of the Day

Roberto Cavalli and His Russian Model Mail Order of the Day

When you’re one of the few fashion designers who is totally loaded to the fuckin’ tits from your fashion designing and you live the life of fuckin’ luxury who isn’t gay, despite what your bathing suit may imply, you pretty much have access to all the model pussy because they work for you and look up to you like you’re some kind of God and the whole thing gets pretty exciting because the fashion industry is about knee deep in fuckin’ pussy. So here is Cavalli hangin with some Russian model who must have been really hard to seduce, you know by taking her so far away from her one bedroom, bathroom down the hall, communist apartment she once lived in, cuz hanging out on yachts in a bikini s a hell of a lot less that eating rationed bread and beets while plotting your escape from the hell that you live in….

See the original post:
Roberto Cavalli and His Russian Model Mail Order of the Day