Despite her cute little asian school girl legs and cute youthful hat, Vanessa Hudgens looks like she’s Michael Jackson. I don’t know what’s happened to her since she leaked those naked pics of her bush, and I fucking love bush, thinking she was serious about doing this whole slut thing to break down the Disney curse, but instead she fell off the map, and I know that if only she got a bikini wax and the haters didn’t turn on her cuz they think having bush is a bad thing thanks to marketing, when really bush is a small taste of heaven, I bet she would have been conident in herself, that she’d be naked everywhere…. I mean maybe that’s just wishful thinking because I got this MJ fetish and I always wanted to see his pussy, but his premature death ruined that for all of us, but I guess Vanessa Hudgens is the second best thing. Maybe she fell off the map cuz she turned 18 and people stop caring when you turn 18 and really it doesn’t matter. Here are some non-nude pics of her.
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Vanessa Hudgens Looks Like Michael Jackson of the Day