Most of the time, racism is subtle, such as when hiring managers show a preference toward people with a particular skin tone. But sometimes, racism is all up in your face, such as in the case of say, Donald Trump , or the loud-mouthed moron in the video above who went insane on an NYC parking garage attendant, all because he committed the unforgivable crime of doing his job and making her pay to park. Even the woman's girlfriend tells her to shut her obnoxious pie-hole, but if Trump has taught us anything, it's that some idiots just can't be silenced. Clearly, this woman has been taking classes at the Britt McHenry School of Vehicle Retrieval. Watch the entire clip if you feel like being vaguely pissed off for the rest of the day. If that's not your cup of tea, we recommend this video of a dude attempting to jump in a pool and totally failing. It doesn't have as many f-bombs, but on the upside, it's far less infuriating.
Racist Idiot Goes OFF on Parking Garage Attendant: WATCH!