Tag Archives: remains-awesome

Jinger Duggar in Pants: New Fashion Icon?

With each passing day, Duggar fans grow louder in demanding a Jinger Duggar pregnancy announcement . We don’t know when it will come. Some fans don’t know if it will come. In the mean time, Jinger still wears pants with her husband’s blessing, as you’ll see in two new photos below. This time, though, her fashion choices caused fans to ask some questions . And who better to talk women’s fashion than … Jeremy Vuolo? Jinger Duggar, as a family “rebel,” continues to be a little divisive among Duggar fans. Most conservative Christian families would be delighted at a woman who gets married right away to a conservative Christian man — without having premarital sex or any of the other, you know, things that most humans do. And sure, plenty of Duggar fans applaud Jinger for getting a husband who has a few theological differences with her father … (Of course, one of those differences is that Jeremy Vuolo thinks that the fundamentalist Duggars aren’t harsh enough against gay people, which … is a pretty extreme view) … and who allows her to wear pants. Other Duggar fans, however, continue to freak out whenever they see her wearing the devil’s leggings or whatever they think that pants are. Jeremy Vuolo shared this photo of Jinger — again wearing pants, and included the caption: “Standing outside Tenth Presbyterian Church where the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice pastored for 32 years. He was a remarkable gift to the church as a whole and is one of my and @jingervuolo’s favorite authors.” Boice was a conservative theologian noted for his devotion to the Christian concept of Biblical Inerrancy. Fans were less curious about dead religious thinkers and more about Jinger’s shoes. Fan comments were, though harmless compared to some of the hate that Duggars get on social media, definitely fashion-oriented. “Those shoes are giving me life! I need them in my life!” (Kind of weird to see phrasing by Duggar fans that you’d expect to hear on, like, RuPaul’s Drag Race ) “What kind of shoes does she have on?” It was Jeremy Vuolo who responded, lending his fashion expertise to identify the shoes as “Converse Chuck’s wedges.” (For those interested, the full name of the shoes is Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Lux Wedge Sneakers, which is a ridiculously long name for a line of sneakers) Odd to hear anyone looking to a Duggar daughter as a fashion icon or trendsetter though. Under this photo, Jeremy Vuolo used a quote for his caption: “‘A true wife is the husband’s better half, his flower of beauty, and his heart’s treasure. In her company he finds his earthly heaven; she is the light of his home, the comfort of his soul.’ ~ C.H. Spurgeon” Spurgeon was an 18th Century conservative theologian. He was a diehard Baptist who was also a noted abolitionist. Comments here were also less interested in religious doctrine or quotes about marriage, and instead commented on Jinger’s choice of clothing: “OMG they let her wear jeans.” (The “they” is literally just Jeremy Vuolo … we’ll get to that in a moment) “Omg Jinger you are STUNNING!” another fan wrote. “Those jeans look so nice on you!” That second compliment was a nice way of addressing the jeans-wearing without sounding ignorant. The first … well, if you keep up with the Duggar daughters on their adventures in adulthood, it can be frustrating to read comments from people who think that Jim Bob’s allowing this. Under the particular brand of Christian fundamentalism to which Jim Bob adheres, his daughters may not wear pants … until they are married off, at which point they are effectively the property of their husbands and their husbands can make those kinds of choices. Jeremy Vuolo has stated that he doesn’t believe that Jesus saves people to make them wear skirts, which sounds like sound theological reasoning to us. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar: Secrets & Scandals of the Family Rebel!

Jinger Duggar in Pants: New Fashion Icon?

Jennifer Lawrence Visits Children’s Hospital on Christmas, Remains Awesome

Lots of people say they’re gonna perform some sort of charity or volunteer work during the holidays, but all too often the obligations of the season get in the way. Which is why it’s all the more impressive when someone with as much on her plate as Jennifer Lawrence takes time out of her busy schedule to make the season brighter for those less fortunate. Lawrence stopped by the Norton’s Children’s Hospital in her native Kentucky on Christmas Eve to spread some cheer and pose for photos with staff and patients. It’s the fifth consecutive year that Jen has stopped by the hospital during the holiday season. While many celebs would no doubt take to social media to inform the world of their magnanimity, Jen has made no public mention of her selfless act.  In fact, were it not for an Instagram post from hospital staff, we might never have learned of her visit! The photo below appeared online on Christmas Eve, along with the following caption: “Louisville’s own Jennifer Lawrence stopped by Norton Children’s Hospital today to visit with patients, families, and staff,” the hospital shared on their Instagram page on Sunday. “This visit has become a tradition for Lawrence each Christmas. Thank you, Jennifer! You sure do bring a smile to all!” And, of course, Jen is generous with more than just her time. Last year, she donated $2 million to the medical center. Shortly thereafter, she announced the establishment of the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Sure, stuff like this will never grab as many headlines as the rumors that Lawrence is dating Brad Pitt (she’s not, by the way), but this is the sort of thing Jen will be remembered for long after her popularity at the box office has declined. (Not that that will be happening anytime soon.) The impact that Lawrence has had on the young people she visits and their families is immeasurable. Add to that the fact that there’s no telling how many millions of fans might be inspired by her stellar example and perform some of their own acts of kindness, and you start to get an idea of just how awesome Jen truly is. We hear she’s not too shabby as an actress, either!

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Jennifer Lawrence Visits Children’s Hospital on Christmas, Remains Awesome