I hate Rihanna. I don’t know why. I just know there was a day that I saw her on TV and I realized she was nothing by a whore who didn’t embrace the fact that she was a whore but who instead pretended to be a popstar…in some identity crisis that ust made me hate her. Here is her weak attempt to get noticed cuz she knows people don’t give a fuck about her anymore and that her career is on the downward spiral into a drug overdose. I expect more hustle for a teenage prostitute….. This picture was taken to be attached to her new single… To Hear Her Shitty New Single – Follow This Link GO I am the first to admit that every once in a while, these shitty commercial songs that the record companies pretty much shit out on the daily cuz they know they will sell, actually produce a catchy song that I sing along to despite how homosexual that makes me. I can’t think of any specific examples because I have a bad memory, but I do know that this trash is not one of those songs. This is just another nail in the coffin of Rihanna’s career. The end is near for this cry baby…and the only tragedy in all this is that Chris Brown didn’t follow through with what he started back when he choked her out.
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Rihanna Shitty Barely Suggestive Promo Pictures of the Day