Tag Archives: richard-roeper

Happy 49th Birthday, Sandra Bullock!

Sandra Bullock turns 49 years young on Friday. Given her looks, positive attitude, sense of humor, approachability and infectiously endearing personality, it’s no wonder she’s become known as America’s Sweetheart. After winning an Academy Award for The Blind Side and being blindsided by Jesse James, Bullock took time off to focus on a much more important role: Mother to adopted son Louis Bardot. She’s returned to acting with some memorable recent roles (most recently The Heat ), and continues to prove she can be as versatile as she is awesome. We wish her all the best personally and professionally, and can’t wait to see what the next phase of her career holds. Happy 49th birthday, Sandy! Other notable birthdays today: Helen Mirren (68), Kevin Spacey (54), Kate Beckinsale (40), Jeremy Piven (48), Chris Harrison (42) and Mick Jagger (70).

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Happy 49th Birthday, Sandra Bullock!

The Wolverine Reviews: Hugh Jackman Back Again! Good or Bad Idea?

Hugh Jackman returns to theaters once again as Logan, the Wolverine. It is his sixth time playing the character in both Wolverine solo outings and in the group X-Men films.  Does  The Wolverine have what it takes to justify yet another trip with the adamantium powered hero? We’ll check out what the critics say in these  The Wolverine reviews, you can compare them to both the Fruitvale Station  reviews (it opens in wide release today) and  The To-Do List reviews and make your weekend plans! In its astronomically budgeted, effects-laden way, it’s appealingly modest. And it has the glory of Hugh Jackman’s chest. — Craig Seligman,  Bloomberg News The Wolverine represents a strain of faux gravitas that squeezes nearly all the fun out of blockbuster moviemaking. Here we have multimillion-dollar proof that slow and unsure can be just as dull as hyperkinetic chaos. — Chris Vognar,  Dallas Morning News Although The Wolverine eventually falls back on a comic-book formula and CG effects (the climactic face-off between Logan and a giant silver warriorlike thing is totally generic), Mangold and his team find time to explore more nuanced realms … — Steven Rea,  Philadephia Inquirer   A refreshing summer cocktail of action-movie staples, The Wolverine combines the bracingly adult flavor of everyone’s favorite mutant antihero with the fizzy effervescence of several mixers from the cabinet of Japanese genre cinema. — Michael O’Sullivan,  Washington Post This is a serious, sometimes dark and deliberately paced story. — Richard Roeper,  RichardRoeper.com A handful of bold ideas brought down by the need to regress to a blander, more box-office-friendly middle ground. — Ian Buckwalter,  NPR

See the article here:
The Wolverine Reviews: Hugh Jackman Back Again! Good or Bad Idea?

Roger Ebert, RIP: 1942-2013

Roger Ebert , Pulitzer Prize winning movie critic for the Chicago Sun-Times , died today at the age of 70. Ebert spent more than 45 prolific years punditing for the newspaper, in time growing more famous than many of the films he reviewed. He popularized thumbs-up or thumbs-down judgments on his televised show with the late Gene Siskel , then continued on with Richard Roeper . He also shared a common interest in amazingly pneumatic knockers with boobie connoisseur Russ Meyer , and penned Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970), Up! (1976), and Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens (1979) for the legendary director. Roger Ebert, mighty wielder of the pen, has left the building. He will be missed.

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Roger Ebert, RIP: 1942-2013