Tag Archives: rohrbach

Kelly Rohrbach for British GQ – Like She’s Made It of the Day

I’ve said it before – and I’ll say it again…Kelly Rohrbach was some low level bikini model from Sports Illustrated swim, which I guess makes her not that low level, because SI Swim is the top of the bikini model charts, you seen it’s that stamp of approval that makes all your instagram whoring worth your time and effort…you know because without a publication to publish you – you’re just doing it for yourself and that’s lame… I think she did one or two issues because she’s still young in the scene and in being young in the scene, that means she has already been one of the models Leonardo DiCaprio co-signed with his penis or at least by promoting to the world as his girlfriend, because he may be gay… Before turning her over to his film producer friends, who cast her as Pam Anderson in the Baywatch remake no one needs to see because it’s going to suck and you can see all these bitches in bikinis without the storyline on the internet. It’s kinda what they do… Now Leo has moved onto old timer Nina Agdal – who has been around for a while, because I guess he likes his whores more seasoned and mature….you know where she’s trying to get pregnant to make it all worth it and to make sure While Kelly’s just getting her career started, all being promoted in GQ UK…in a bathing suit.. She’s hot…Like I always say….good enough for leo goood enough for me…I mean good enough for a homeless man good enough for me is my other saying…I have no standards or taste – but appreciate this.. The post Kelly Rohrbach for British GQ – Like She’s Made It of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Rohrbach for British GQ – Like She’s Made It of the Day

Dad Trolls Son

This kid is going places!!! Continue reading

Kelly Rohrbach Works It Good For GQ Mexico

You guys probably know by now that I’m not a big fan of the new Baywatch movie — as far as I’m concerned, nobody can ever compete with  Pamela Anderson in her prime. But I am a fan of  Kelly Rohrbach , aka the busty blonde hottie attempting to replace her as the new CJ Parker. So here’s a new bikini photoshoot Kelly did for GQ Mexico . She’s still no Pam, but I look forward to seeing her continue to try in many more shoots just like this.

Kelly Rohrbach Works It Good For GQ Mexico

Kelly Rohrbach Works It Good For GQ Mexico

You guys probably know by now that I’m not a big fan of the new Baywatch movie — as far as I’m concerned, nobody can ever compete with  Pamela Anderson in her prime. But I am a fan of  Kelly Rohrbach , aka the busty blonde hottie attempting to replace her as the new CJ Parker. So here’s a new bikini photoshoot Kelly did for GQ Mexico . She’s still no Pam, but I look forward to seeing her continue to try in many more shoots just like this. Continue reading

Chubster Ashley Graham Does Cosmo

I’m sick of people saying that Ashley Graham is beautiful because it doesn’t discount the fact that she is overweight. Anyone who says that this is healthy needs to have their head checked by a physician. Don’t think for one second that Cosmo didn’t Photoshop these pictures and make Ashley appear thinner. Now before you send me emails saying that I could never bang a chick as hot as Ashley, please don’t bother. I’ve paid for some great sex with super hot escorts! So bug off!               Continue reading

Instagram Model Kelly Rohrbach Does Pamela Anderson

As you know, the Baywatch movie is being filmed in Miami and this chick Kelly Rohrbach is the new Pamela Anderson. Unfortunately, I don’t think any Instagram model these days can replace the greatness of CJ Parker in her prime. Kelly is friggin’ hot and her booty is something special, but after 11 years of writing posts on babes and having been exposed to the boom of social media, a hot girl has become just an Amazon Wishlist and a daily selfie. » view all 12 photos           Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Kelly Rohrbach for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach is the Sports Illustrated model, who is solidifying her bikini modeling, by being featured in Harper’s Bazaar in bikini pics… These looks like some instagram outtakes, or maybe some spillover from the SI shoot just run through a filter because bikini pics are all the fucking same…and instagram models can recreate the “art” behind a pro shoot with their fucking iphones… I guess her team wants you to know she looks good in bikinis, and her team is probably made up or at least run by Leonardo DiCaprio, because for a while she played his girlfriend, something I think is just part of his modeling agency he likely owns, because when they are rumored to fuck him – he looks like they Playboy….instead of a homo…and more importantly…they get booked on bigger gigs like Kelly Rohrbach – who landed the roll of Pam Anderson in the Baywatch movie…which could really be the best entry point into being the hot chick in movies…the breakout performance…and all it took was Leo cock…or the lacy thereof…but the illusion of Leo cock.. She was also working out on the beach – and people are pretty pumped about it…because staged paparazzi pics are everything… The post Kelly Rohrbach for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Rohrbach for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Britney Spears Awkward Dance for Skrillex of the Day

I don’t know why I think most of what I watch is some low quality, low budget, ghetto operation….maybe because it is shot on iphone and posted to social media, but this Britney Spears dance video freaks me out. It looks like a medicated stage show from the 80s shot at Disney during their nightly parade…not some Britney Spears….superstar performance…. I guess she’s lost her edge, her relevance, and is now just a slide show churning out performances for money that don’t have any real intensity or excitement, because….she doesn’t… But maybe I’m wrong, because Skrillex was there to experience this, and he’s pretty relevant…maybe even so relevant he’s producing her next dubstep album, because despite this dance, she’s still Britney Spears and not done yet…. The post Britney Spears Awkward Dance for Skrillex of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Britney Spears Awkward Dance for Skrillex of the Day

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Vagina in Elle France of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach is the model that Leonardo DiCaprio pretends to fuck because it makes the world think he’s not gay… Kelly Rohrbach is well aware of this being a great PR strategy for her “modeling” career, that stamp of approval that will lead to more work, or even more rich and famous dudes, who want the pussy Leo theoretically fucked, because it’s a status thing, even though the last thing I’d want to touch is the pussy that Leo fucked, I mean if I was rich, not because I know she’s a gold digging fame whore, all girls are…or because she’s probably got an STD, as everyone’s got fucking STDs especially Hollywood, not that he’s ever fucked her… But because if you’re rich you can get new pussy…fresh pussy…hotter pussy… While as a broke, fat, married, mexican, old, Canadian…I figure – I fuck anything that comes my way, and none of it looks quite like this Kelly Rohrbach, but if it did, I’d be down even if I knew she was just a hooker, sure it’s an A-List hooker but still a hooker…in a world where everyone is a hooker… The post Leonardo DiCaprio’s Vagina in Elle France of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Leonardo DiCaprio’s Vagina in Elle France of the Day

Yara Khmidan Is SImply Amazing

Since you guys seemed to dig those shots of Ukrainian hottie Yara Khmidan so much the last time, I went ahead and found another, even hotter set of bikini pictures for us all to drool over. Granted, I still don’t know any more about Yara than I did a few weeks ago, but I just hope that if I keep doing posts on her, eventually we’ll get some answers to the questions we’ve all been dying to know: specifically, how does she look in lingerie? » view all 41 photos

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Yara Khmidan Is SImply Amazing