Tag Archives: role-as-alice

R.I.P. Susannah York

Actress Susannah York died yesterday in London at the age of 72 from complications of cancer. Oscar-nominated for her role as Alice in 1969’s They Shoot Horses Don’t They? , York also appeared in Tom Jones , The Man for All Seasons , and as Superman’s Kryptonian mother in Richard Donner’s Superman . [ Deadline ]

R.I.P. Susannah York

R.I.P. Susannah York

Actress Susannah York died yesterday in London at the age of 72 from complications of cancer. Oscar-nominated for her role as Alice in 1969’s They Shoot Horses Don’t They? , York also appeared in Tom Jones , The Man for All Seasons , and as Superman’s Kryptonian mother in Richard Donner’s Superman . [ Deadline ]

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R.I.P. Susannah York

Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz back together

Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene have settled their contract disputes and are ready to continue playing the Cullen kids in the first family of vampires. After a week of nail biting, Twilight fans can rest easy knowing that the Cullen clan is sticking together. Lutz’s rep confirms to us that the negotiations are settled. Greene also signed a new deal with Summit Entertainment to reprise her role as Alice Cullen for the upcoming production of Breaking Dawn, the latest installment in the Twilight se

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Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz back together