Tag Archives: night stalker

R.I.P. Susannah York

Actress Susannah York died yesterday in London at the age of 72 from complications of cancer. Oscar-nominated for her role as Alice in 1969’s They Shoot Horses Don’t They? , York also appeared in Tom Jones , The Man for All Seasons , and as Superman’s Kryptonian mother in Richard Donner’s Superman . [ Deadline ]

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R.I.P. Susannah York

James Franco Adds ‘Serial Killer’ To Already Packed C.V.

James Franco — perhaps history’s greatest multipurpose agent since baking soda — has agreed to star and to direct in a biopic of serial killer Richard Ramirez , also known as the Night Stalker (and, no, not the one that investigated monsters ). Ramirez terrorized Los Angeles in the mid-80’s, before being arrested and convicted of 13 counts of murder, 5 attempted murders and 11 sexual assaults. So, Oscars , Faulker and Cormac McCarthy , his line of fictional underwear , Sal Mineo , and a novel of addiction. He either is incredibly organized and incredibly tired, or has the best cocaine. [ Vulture ]

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James Franco Adds ‘Serial Killer’ To Already Packed C.V.

James Franco Adds ‘Serial Killer’ To Already Packed C.V.

James Franco — perhaps history’s greatest multipurpose agent since baking soda — has agreed to star and to direct in a biopic of serial killer Richard Ramirez , also known as the Night Stalker (and, no, not the one that investigated monsters ). Ramirez terrorized Los Angeles in the mid-80’s, before being arrested and convicted of 13 counts of murder, 5 attempted murders and 11 sexual assaults. So, Oscars , Faulker and Cormac McCarthy , his line of fictional underwear , Sal Mineo , and a novel of addiction. He either is incredibly organized and incredibly tired, or has the best cocaine. [ Vulture ]

James Franco Adds ‘Serial Killer’ To Already Packed C.V.