Tag Archives: rose-as-high

Devon James Wants Tiger Woods’ DNA So Bad

Devon James, Tiger Woods’ porn star mistress who claims he’s the father of her son, even though he’s clearly not, continues to fight the good, money-grubbing fight. She’s filed new court documents practically begging a judge to force the golf great to submit to a DNA test to establish paternity of nine-year-old Austin T. James. T for Tiger, natch. As for the previous DNA test that showed Tiger is not the father (the real daddy is a convict named Pele Watkins), Devon claims there was a “misunderstanding.” Right. Those often happen in science. FORK IT OVER: Devon James wants Tiger’s DNA … again . In the docs, Devon states again that she believes she gave birth to Woods’ love child , and she’s willing to provide information on the time, place and hotel location where conception allegedly occurred to help prove Tiger knocked her up. She’s also willing to name “his golf buddies who were there at the time in Pebble Beach.” Wow, knock us over with a feather. You’re officially toast now, Tiges! Through his attorneys, Tiger has denied the whole thing, and has recently filed papers of his own asking a judge to throw out the entire paternity case. Undeterred, Devon presses on, even wearing a shirt proclaiming herself Tiger Woods’ Baby Mama. ‘Cause if she says it enough, maybe we’ll believe it? Man, this girl is crazy. If she wanted Tiger Woods’ DNA so bad, she should have pulled a Monica Lewinsky / Molly Hagerty after the act. Just saying. Sorry. Gross.

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Devon James Wants Tiger Woods’ DNA So Bad

Brooke Mueller: Hospitalized for "Medical Emergency"

Things continue to spiral downward for Brooke Mueller. Less than a month after her Christmas Eve incident with husband Charlie Sheen, Mueller has been placed in intensive care at a Los Angeles hospital.

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Brooke Mueller: Hospitalized for "Medical Emergency"