Tag Archives: rotten

Five Favorite Films with Brooke Shields

Brooke Shields takes a time-out to fill us in on her five favorite films of all time. It's a cool mix of older classics and recent Oscar-winning hits! The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com added by: jplunkett

Top 5 Alternative Energy Sources

It's Earth Day! Movies tend to come up with bizarrely wonderful ideas for alternative energy. This week's Top 5 is dedicated to the most improbable alternative energy sources of all time. The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com added by: Brett_Erlich

Iceland’s Volcano Ash from Space: Raw Video

The Norwegian meteorological office on Friday (April 16) published a prediction of how the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano eruption is likely to spread over the next few days. The prediction is until Sunday (April 18) evening and it shows the cloud moving further south and south-east. According to their website, the prediction supposes that the volcano emissions are continuous throughout this period. The yellow parts show ash that has fallen by itself, the red parts show ash that has fallen due to rain and the black fields show the ash cloud “as it is now”. The huge ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano has caused air travel chaos across Europe, leaving hundreds of thousands of passengers stranded. About 17,000 flights were expected to be cancelled on Friday due to the dangers posed by clouds of volcanic ash from Iceland, aviation officials said, with airports in Britain, France, Germany, and across Europe closed until at least Saturday. added by: ctv

Date Night reviewed by The Rotten Tomatoes Show

Brett Erlich and Ellen Fox join forces with bloggers, comedians, students and citizen critics to review “Date Night.” The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com For more about movies from Current: http://current.com/movies added by: Ellen_Fox

The Weekend Peekend – 04/15/10

The weekend ahead has two wildly different DVDs for eager audiences, from wacky comedy in The Slammin' Salmon to the less wacky but no less fun Pirate Radio. For new movies, check out Kick-Ass, Death at a Funeral, and The Joneses. If you see them, don't forget to submit a review and get on the show afterward! http://current.com/13m3g4c The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com added by: ctv

Screenplay Cliché Don’t Look Down!

The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com For more about movies from Current: http://current.com/movies added by: Ellen_Fox

Chloe reviewed by The Rotten Tomatoes Show

Brett Erlich and Ellen Fox join forces with bloggers, comedians, students and citizen critics to review “Chloe.” The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com For more about movies from Current: http://current.com/movies added by: Ellen_Fox

Ask Rotten Tomatoes Show’s Ellen Fox Anything!

This is your chance to ask me anything — in comments, webcams, or by Twitter. I'll answer the best, craziest and funniest. The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com added by: Ellen_Fox

Five Favorite Films with Edward Norton

The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com For more about movies from Current: http://current.com/movies added by: jplunkett

The Weekend Peekend – 03/25/10

Brett Erlich and Ellen Fox take a peek at what's coming up this weekend including How to Train Your Dragon, Hot Tub Time Machine, & Chloe. Also, new on DVD, is Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Blind Side, & Brothers. The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a movie review show that airs on Thursday nights at 10:30 e/p on Current TV. From reviews of the newest releases to commentary on cult favorites and movie trends, each episode of The Rotten Tomatoes Show is a fast-paced, comedic journey through the week in cinema. For more from the Rotten Tomatoes Show: http://rottentomatoesshow.com For more about movies from Current: http://current.com/movies added by: Ellen_Fox