Tag Archives: running-down

Cue the Slow Motion Running: Alexandra Daddario Snags Baywatch Lead

Before this moment in time, we thought the vision of Alexandra Daddario running down the beach wearing only a bikini was something we’d only see in the depths of our deepest REM cycles. Now we know dreams really do come true, though, because she just snagged the lead role in Paramount’s new Baywatch adaption.

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Cue the Slow Motion Running: Alexandra Daddario Snags Baywatch Lead

Best Of: Halle Berry

Halle Berry’s naked body drove the Oscar judges wild, and even landed her a lauded spot in Mr. Skin’s Anatomy Awards! Now we’re running down the best places to see this award winner in the buff. Nothing better than a Berry going bare-y!

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Best Of: Halle Berry

Mom’s Twerking While Babies Cry and Other Videos of the Day

Swedish Man in Underwear VS BEar…Shitty footage, but I still laughed… Man VS Aggressive Elephant Idiot of the Day…Running Down a Cliff Girls in their Underwear….swimming Wife Strips Husband’s GF Live in the Hood – Naked Big Girl Beats a Dude Car Wash Outfit of the Day

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Mom’s Twerking While Babies Cry and Other Videos of the Day

NPR Invites Ted Koppel to Respond to Olbermann…But Utterly Excludes Bill O’Reilly

National Public Radio can't even host a discussion about objectivity in journalism without slanting it to the left. On Tuesday's Talk to the Nation , they invited on former ABC anchor Ted Koppel to discuss his Washington Post op-ed slamming cable news. Host Neal Conan played a large audio chunk of Keith Olbermann running down Koppel on Monday night's Countdown for “worshipping before the false god of utter objectivity” and failing to stop the war in Iraq. NPR offered 294 haughty words of Krazy Keith. But Koppel slammed Fox News as well as MSNBC. Why would NPR fail to air the views of Fox News? The Fox-hatred continues. All NPR listeners got was an insular debate between Old Liberal Media and New Leftist Media. Bill O'Reilly, in fact, also commented on Koppel on Monday night (with less aggression, and no suggestions that secular Koppel bowed before any god). Here's some of what NPR just couldn't bother to locate: read more

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NPR Invites Ted Koppel to Respond to Olbermann…But Utterly Excludes Bill O’Reilly

Rachel McAdams Runs of the Day

You know part of the fun when it comes to getting pussy is the chase, especially on those dark nights when running down alleys trying to keep up with a bitch who is screaming for her life who is way more athletic than you because this is a Yoga generation, before either catching up and having your way with her, or losin’ her forcing you to find another girl to chase. cuz shit’s like a sport that is made a lot less cardiovascularly straining with roofies… Either way, here’s Rachel McAdams on set totally cockteasing you rapists out there….

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Rachel McAdams Runs of the Day