Tag Archives: samsung-galaxy

Samsung Galaxy S III gets early unboxing



Samsung’s Galaxy S III isn’t expected to hit Europe until May 29, but that hasn’t stopped one of the coveted quadcore smartphones to slip out for an early unboxing in Italy. HDBlog scored the new Samsung – in beautiful blue – and wasted no time in getting it and its accessories out of the box under the Read The Full Story Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : SlashGear Discovery Date : 16/05/2012 11:50 Number of articles : 4

Samsung Galaxy S III gets early unboxing

The Tanning Mom Speaks Out Again With An Explanation As Clear As Her Skin


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Extremely tan mom Patricia Krentcil scorched the internet yesterday after her story about bringing her 5-year-old to a tanning salon went viral. After her daughter showed up to school with a sunburn, the New Jersey mom defended herself, saying that she did bring her daughter to the tanning salon but she didn’t go into a tanning bed, and the sunburn was caused unrelatedly. Today, the tanning mom (aka,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : VH1’s Today In Music Discovery Date : 03/05/2012 16:53 Number of articles : 2

The Tanning Mom Speaks Out Again With An Explanation As Clear As Her Skin

Samsung Galaxy S III Wrap-Up


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Samsung hit the ground running this afternoon with the announcement and revealing of their new Galaxy S III flagship smartphone. Surely you’ve been following along here at Android Community and saw all of our news coverage and hands-on video, right? In case you didn’t here’s a wrap-up of all the details, pictures, and video from … Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Community Discovery Date : 03/05/2012 20:46 Number of articles : 2

Samsung Galaxy S III Wrap-Up

Elephant plays with Samsung Galaxy Note


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The Samsung Galaxy Note is one large smartphone/tablet hybrid, so it only seems fitting that someone just as large would be caught using the device. Well in this video uploaded by techinvator on YouTube, we see an elephant named Peter using a Samsung Galaxy Note. We’re not sure if the elephant really knows what it is doing, but it sure looks like it does! Testament to how easy the phone is to use or… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : übergizmo Discovery Date : 26/03/2012 13:08 Number of articles : 2

Elephant plays with Samsung Galaxy Note

As Galaxy Nexus launches in UK, Verizon version appears in Google video


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Well, the day has finally arrived, for UK citizens, at least. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus is available for purchase unlocked and sin contract in the British Isles, all you need is a spare £549.99. There’s still no word out of Verizon, supposedly the exclusive US launch partner for the Galaxy Nexus, but if you’re desperate Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Community Discovery Date : 17/11/2011 03:54 Number of articles : 2

As Galaxy Nexus launches in UK, Verizon version appears in Google video

Samsung Galaxy S II Survives Drop Test, iPhone 4S Takes a Licking


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Sure, Apple sold over 4 million iPhone 4S handset over the weekend, but can it survive a fall from waist height? Apple’s decision to got with glass on both the front and back of the handset looks beautiful, but in practical terms creates a rather fragile handset. The true beauty of its design is typically Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 17/10/2011 09:49 Number of articles : 2

Samsung Galaxy S II Survives Drop Test, iPhone 4S Takes a Licking

Samsung Galaxy Note launches with 5.3-inch Super HD AMOLED screen, dedicated stylus


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Samsung has brought its smartphones to the yard at Berlin’s IFA 2011 expo, debuting its new Galaxy Tab 7.7 tablet and now its huge new Android smartphone – the Samsung Galaxy Note. If you thought the screen on the Galaxy S II was big then the Note is going to blow you away; not only Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Next Web Discovery Date : 01/09/2011 11:50 Number of articles : 4

Samsung Galaxy Note launches with 5.3-inch Super HD AMOLED screen, dedicated stylus

Need a Closer Look at TouchWiz on the Galaxy Tab? Watch This Video


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Our friends at Samsung have just published a new video showing off their Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. The tablet’s been out for some time now, and we have even published a review of it, but this is the first time we’ve seen TouchWiz demonstrated in such details. Notable changes since we’ve seen TouchWiz at CTIA Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 05/07/2011 20:43 Number of articles : 2

Need a Closer Look at TouchWiz on the Galaxy Tab? Watch This Video

Your Daily Life With a Galaxy Tab 10.1 in 12 Minutes [Video]


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Although we got a pretty decent look at the Honeycomb tablet ourselves at Mobile World Congress, we didn’t get to use the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 as one would in the real world. French-bred AndroidHD took the tablet around their home country and did everything you could imagine doing with a tablet in one day. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 14/03/2011 01:13 Number of articles : 2

Your Daily Life With a Galaxy Tab 10.1 in 12 Minutes [Video]

Samsung Still Going Strong With Original Galaxy Tab Ads Despite Verizon iPad 2 Launch Today


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Samsung may have slightly cowered at the launch of the iPad 2, but that’s not going to stop them – a day before the Apple-bred tablet is available from Verizon, they’ve posted a brand new advertisement for their original Samsung Galaxy Tab on YouTube. (Which we imagine could find its way to airwaves soon.) The Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 10/03/2011 22:50 Number of articles : 2

Samsung Still Going Strong With Original Galaxy Tab Ads Despite Verizon iPad 2 Launch Today