Tag Archives: really-knows

Emily Ratajkowski Topless On Instagram

Here is our weekly “Queen Of Instagram” dose. Yes, Emily Ratajkowski posted that picture of her tit out and blurred it. Smart she-devil. She really knows how to mess with her Instagram followers minds. Fortunately, if I want to see her tits, I can just Google it.          

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Emily Ratajkowski Topless On Instagram

Emily Ratajkowski Topless On Instagram

Here is our weekly “Queen Of Instagram” dose. Yes, Emily Ratajkowski posted that picture of her tit out and blurred it. Smart she-devil. She really knows how to mess with her Instagram followers minds. Fortunately, if I want to see her tits, I can just Google it.          

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Emily Ratajkowski Topless On Instagram

This Is How She Mountain Dews It

Damn, this chick really knows how to dew it! Now that is some impressive hip thrusting! Continue reading

This Guys Snapchatted Through His Break-Up And Nothing You See Today Will Be Funnier

Lonely Man Snapchats His Breakup We hate to laugh at someone’s pain. We really do. But this guy really knows how to put a hilarious spin on a bad situation. Apparently, he may have had a break-up recently and he decided to deal with it on Snapchat in the funniest way possible. This is how you turn lemon into gold, kids.

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This Guys Snapchatted Through His Break-Up And Nothing You See Today Will Be Funnier

Elephant plays with Samsung Galaxy Note


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The Samsung Galaxy Note is one large smartphone/tablet hybrid, so it only seems fitting that someone just as large would be caught using the device. Well in this video uploaded by techinvator on YouTube, we see an elephant named Peter using a Samsung Galaxy Note. We’re not sure if the elephant really knows what it is doing, but it sure looks like it does! Testament to how easy the phone is to use or… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : übergizmo Discovery Date : 26/03/2012 13:08 Number of articles : 2

Elephant plays with Samsung Galaxy Note

Ashley Tisdale Does Shorts of the Day

Ugly face Ashley Tisdale isn’t so bad when she’s dressed like a fucking hipster in little short shorts showing off her legs she works so hard to keep thin and fit…or maybe I’m just into this cuz of her greasy or wet hair…looking like she either just had a shower…or more likely why I find it erotic…like a crack whore ready to suck dick for a warm shower….cuz it’s been a frew months and it is time….and who really knows…the bigger issue at hand is why the fuck I post pics of useless barely celebs in shorts like it matters…I need help people…

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Ashley Tisdale Does Shorts of the Day

Paris Hilton’s Birthday Cleavage Impresses

This is more like it, if you’re going to hit the red carpet, might as well do it with your breasts hanging out of your dress. You got that Katrina Bowden ? Here’s Paris Hilton at one of her many birthday parties dropping some extremely impressive cleavage for a chick with pretty much no breasts what so ever. She really knows how to work with what she’s got. Alright so she’s not exactly overflowing with front meat, some angles are more flattering than others, but if you’re into chest bones you’ll love this. Enjoy. more pictures of Paris Hilton here

Eva Mendes — The Bottom Line

Filed under: Eva Mendes , Paparazzi Photo After a good workout in L.A. on Monday, Eva Mendes got her pants all in a bunch. The bootyful 36-year-old really knows how to show off her curves. Read more

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Eva Mendes — The Bottom Line

Rosie Perez: Good Genes or Good Docs?

Filed under: Beauty Rosie Perez really knows how to do the right thing.Here’s the jokey 27-year-old back in 1992 (left) — and 18 years later, the 45-year-old version at a Broadway event on Thursday (right).She’s still a fly girl. See Also Joan Jett: Good Genes or … Permalink

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Rosie Perez: Good Genes or Good Docs?

Jake Gyllenhaal — The Ripped One

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Beauty , Hot Bodies , Jake Gyllenhaal With his rippling biceps in full display, Jake Gyllenhaal worked up a sweat while listening to music on a jog through Pittsburgh on Wednesday.The buff 28-year-old really knows how to pump up the jams. More Jake Gyllenhaal Jake & Reese — A … Permalink

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Jake Gyllenhaal — The Ripped One