Tag Archives: sandra vergara

Beyonce Bikini Pictures For H&M

Now that Beyonce ‘s officially a MILF, it was just a matter of time before we got to see her in a bikini photoshoot. It must be some celebrity rite of passage, like buying a massive house you’ll never use or killing a poor person because you can. Anyway, here’s Beyonce paying her dues for H&M , so enjoy these. Because if you ever get the chance to see Beyonce in a bikini up-close, it’s because you’re about to be hunted on her private island, not because you won the lottery like Jay-Z’s manager told you.

Beyonce Bikini Pictures For H&M

Meet Sofia Vergara’s Sexy Cousin And Adopted Sister Sandra Vergara

Meet Sandra Vergara . She is the cousin and adopted sister of actress Sofia Vergara . Here she is in the latest “MeInMyPlace’ photoshoot and judging by the looks of her place in these pictures, Sofia isn’t helping her out too much. Anyway, the girl is gorgeous with a booty that doesn’t quit. If she’s looking for a bigger place with free rent, she’s more than welcome to move in with my mother and I. The basement here is huge! And I’m sure I can fit her in my single bed!

Meet Sofia Vergara’s Sexy Cousin And Adopted Sister Sandra Vergara

Meet Sandra Vergara . She is the cousin and adopted sister of actress Sofia Vergara . Here she is in the latest “MeInMyPlace’ photoshoot and judging by the looks of her place in these pictures, Sofia isn’t helping her out too much. Anyway, the girl is gorgeous with a booty that doesn’t quit. If she’s looking for a bigger place with free rent, she’s more than welcome to move in with my mother and I. The basement here is huge! And I’m sure I can fit her in my single bed!

Is Sexy Fright Night Star Sandra Vergara REALLY Sofia Vergara’s Sister? [PICS]

They’re both Columbian, they’re both Vergaras, and they’re both super sexy. There’s no doubt about that. But according to Sofia Vergara , boobalicious star of Modern Family , the woman whom reporters have been calling her “younger sister,” Fright Night star Sandra Vergara (standing at left), isn’t really her sibling. As it turns out, Sandra is actually Sofia’s cousin, but the two were raised together- Sandra was taken in by Sofia’s parents at an early age. Sofia’s upset that Sandra isn’t making the distinction in the press, basically accusing her soon-to-be-estranged relative of riding her big, round, delicious coconuts- er, coattails- to stardom. Sandra has a sexy role in the upcoming vampire remake Fright Night, including several scenes where she strips to her bra and one Colum-believable thong shot as she puts on a black robe. Could she be purposefully playing up the Sofia commection to get more publicity for her role? Or is Sofia simply failing to show the adopted-sisterly love? Skin Central doesn’t really care, as long as these addictive Columbian exports keep showing up on our computer screens! Play com-bare and contr-ass with Sandra Vergara and Sofia Vergara after the jump!

Here is the original post:
Is Sexy Fright Night Star Sandra Vergara REALLY Sofia Vergara’s Sister? [PICS]