Tag Archives: scene-featuring

Eliot Spitzer to Replace Campbell Brown?

The candlelight vigils for CNN’ s kamikaze anchoress Campbell Brown are over, and so it’s time to get down to the business of replacing her at 8 p.m. And if we’re continuing in her spirit of candor, then this is as good an idea as any: Erstwhile NY governor, escort connoisseur and “budding pundit” Eliot Spitzer. “He’s a smart guy, extremely smart. And he communicates well,” an anonymous cable news executive told the NYT . “The question about him is, how much stench is on him, and is he likable enough?” Those are two questions, of course, the answers to which are not much and not really, which of course means he’s a perfect fit on CNN, right? [ NYT ]

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Eliot Spitzer to Replace Campbell Brown?

Michael Musto’s The Hollywood Kid: Michael Douglas, Sex, and Topless West Wing Stars

Are you ready for the Sex and the City 2 tidal wave that’s about to hit? Michael Musto is, but as he tells us, Michael Douglas may not be. In this week’s installment of The Hollywood Kid, Musto talks scheduling conflicts, the gaying-up of Sex and the City (is such a thing even possible?), blind items, and Life During Wartime’s unlikely nude scene featuring Allison Janney. This is certainly her year for head-scratching career choices !

See more here:
Michael Musto’s The Hollywood Kid: Michael Douglas, Sex, and Topless West Wing Stars