Tag Archives: schakowsky

Democrat Schakowsky: No Americans Actually Follow Their Christian Faith (Video)



Socialist Rep. Jan Schakowsky wants you to believe that the Obama Administration’s attack on the Catholic Church is really about women’s health. Of course, Schakowsky believes that free abortion drugs and contraceptives are a natural human right. Schakow The United … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 14/02/2012 01:48 Number of articles : 2

Democrat Schakowsky: No Americans Actually Follow Their Christian Faith (Video)

The CIA ‘misled Congress five times since 2001’

The CIA misled Congress at least five times since 2001, according to Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee. The Democrats said CIA officials had either lied or withheld information from Congress. They also said CIA officials did not fully inform Congress about the use of enhanced interrogation techniques during a September 2002 briefing, which would validate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) claim that she was lied to about the program.

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The CIA ‘misled Congress five times since 2001’

Did This Congresswoman Have Lesbian Affair With a Turkish Spy?

According to an American Conservative interview with Sibel Edmonds, a Turkish and Farsi language translator who used to work for the FBI, a Democratic congresswoman from Illinois was seduced by a Turkish secret agent. Edmonds was hired by the FBI as a contractor right after 9/11, and she worked for them until they fired her for whistleblowing in 2002

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Did This Congresswoman Have Lesbian Affair With a Turkish Spy?