Tag Archives: school-friends

Marina and her Flower Tits of the Day

Fashion Art…better known as FART….or F’Art….is so silly….when you take a girl who pretends to be a model and draw a flower over her nipple to make some kind of impactful statement… This is like those white people who refer to people as THEY…not he or she…because less than 1 percent of the world are tranny and for that less than 1 percent we should abolish men / women / gender…makes sense… So much sense that when they do their shoots….they are equally dumb as fuck…like this model named Marina, who doesn’t want to put her name on it…because it’s just that stupid she does want her high school friends googling her to see what she’s been up to – or what her boyfriend tricked her into doing… The post Marina and her Flower Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Marina and her Flower Tits of the Day

Lone Star’s Jon Voight Calls Time Anti-Semitic

Fox is marketing their new buzz-y new series Lone Star in increasingly mysterious ways. Jon Voight — who plays Lone Star ‘s patriarch — appeared on the Fox News Channel show Huckabee over the weekend and laid into Time Magazine because of a recent cover story titled, ” Why Israel Doesn’t Care About Peace .” Wondered Voight: “Who are the anti-Semites who are running Time Magazine ?” Lone Star , premiering on Fox next week! [ THR ]

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Lone Star’s Jon Voight Calls Time Anti-Semitic

Mark Romanek on Never Let Me Go and Who’d Pull Him Out of Music-Video Retirement

It took a while (and a studio debacle over The Wolfman ), but Mark Romanek finally has a second feature under his belt. And it’s not wanting for prestige: Opening today in limited release, Never Let Me Go features Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and Andrew Garfield as a trio of school friends turned romantic rivals turned… well, it’s complicated. And, as Romanek sympathized, worth keeping on the downlow for folks unfamiliar with Kazuo Ishiguro’s celebrated, genre-bending source novel. The director spoke further with Movieline about the variety of his young cast, the perils of marketing, and the pop star who might have the sway to draw him back to the music-video form that made him legendary.

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Mark Romanek on Never Let Me Go and Who’d Pull Him Out of Music-Video Retirement

Sick Little Spoiled Bitches Abuse Dementia Patients for FUN

They weren't the swarthy perverts you'd expect them to be. They were the pretty girls, six high school friends from the farming hub of Albert Lea, Minnesota, who'd all found jobs at the Good Samaritan nursing home caring for patients with dementia… ​While nursing home work can be a painful experience in witnessing the final throes of life, the six girls were bored with the job. So they decided to liven it up by sexually abusing the patients. Brianna Broitzman admitted to police that she poked one patient in the breast. But her friends say she also spit in a resident's mouth, jabbed the boobs of other patients, and stuck her bare butt in a patient's face. Ashton Larson confessed that she'd stuck her finger up a patient's rectum. She would also get in bed with them and make humping motions, pat them on the butt and taunt them into getting angry by laughing at them. When the abuse first surfaced in 2008, the girls admitted they taunted and abused the residents in an attempt to make their work “fun.” All told, they're believed to have abused 15 patients. But the cops didn't think abusing people with dementia was fun; they merely thought it made you a sick little fuck. So the girls were hit with a slew of charges, ranging from assault to abuse of a vulnerable adult with sexual contact. Broitzman has taken an Alford plea, which basically means she admits she'd get drilled in court, but doesn't want to confess to being a degenerate. She'll be sentenced in October, but is expected to get less than a year in prison. Larson heads to trial next month. http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/08/brianna_broitzman_ashton_larso.php added by: vixxxen618