Tag Archives: secret-fabric

Glamour Models Take on i-D Magazine of the Day

This is pretty major for these UK Glamour models. Girls who I always tease for not being actual models. You know just low hanging fruit that is built up to think it is hot, when really it only matters cuz it is topless. Not that I have anything against girls who make it, or who are making money off their tits, in fact I love it. I wish more average at best looking girls were broken enough to be doin it, because taking the traditional career route is just stupid, when you can get paid for your tits… Historically all dudes want from you is to see your tits and lust after you, so use your vagina, it’s a far more marketable skill than a college degree. That said, these Glamour Models are featured in some mainstream fashion site, topless, sure, that’s their move, but this is it…they can now say they are official models….and not some low grade shit… Good times. Congrats.

Go here to read the rest:
Glamour Models Take on i-D Magazine of the Day

Sofia Vergara’s Big Eyebrows of the Day

Jesus, this South American bitch has some big fucking eyebrows, I mean these are some serious eyebrows, and by eyebrows, I mean eyebrows and not some clever way of saying tits, cuz you see we all know she’s busy as fuck, it’s why she is on TV, I mean better to get have a token middle aged hispanic woman in hollywood to be busty as fuck than not….. But these eyebrows, they are distracting, all up on some Andy Rooney fucking caterpillars crawling on her face…. I guess they are better to soak up all the cum she’s had ejaculated on her face as she climbed the ladder in her career… It all makes sense now, these eyebrows were just as important to her success as the titties that lead to all the blowjobs, because it acted as a much needed mop. I’ve seen how they clean up oil spills. I get what’s going on here…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Read the rest here:
Sofia Vergara’s Big Eyebrows of the Day

Doutzen Kroes for H&M Summer by Terry Richardson of the Day

I like me some model pussy…especially when it is cheating on one evil billion dollar corporation….that it normally models underwear and bikinis fro….for another evil billion dollar corporation….that funds sweat shops, that is responsible for the fall of production in America…that over charges people for 2 dollar items… It’s like some weird underbelly, like Victoria’s Secret lends out their model, which is their number one asset, for some secret fabric supplier information or something…. But the backstory doesn’t matter, it’s the pictures that I’m more interested in…

Go here to see the original:
Doutzen Kroes for H&M Summer by Terry Richardson of the Day