Tag Archives: seeing-people

Drunk Guy Shopping and Other Videos of the Day

Dog VS Indian 15 Month Old Girl – She lived Failed Robbery of the Day New Year’s Hood Fight Canadian Snow Diving Texan Woman With Gun Begged Cops to Kill Her Insane Kite Surfer – Used His Kit to Jump Off a Cliff…

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Drunk Guy Shopping and Other Videos of the Day

Taylor Swift New Year’s Eve Slip of the Day

There are a few things that I know about Taylor Swift. That her and her team are master manipulators, who have been able to polarize her slutty behavior with both guys and girls as hopeless romance looking for love. They have managed to hide her cunty spoiled brat rich kid attitude, and she hasn’t slipped up. They also launched her in country music, turned her into pop and now she’s a huge fucking star…AND MOST IMPORTANTLY….that she’s a goofy fucking skinny giraffe looking human…who looks clumsy as fuck…so seeing her fall on New Years is cute…not because a fallen down girl is an easy girl to be a predator with…you sick fuck…but because seeing people fall is funny.

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Taylor Swift New Year’s Eve Slip of the Day

Shanina Shaik in Swimsuit for Summer Splash of the Day

Here is model Shanina Shaik, who has modeled for Victoria’s Secret, which means she’s an actual model, because Victoria’s Secret is the litmus test as to whether a girl is actually a model, or just a try hard, posing for other companies, trying to make as many moves as possible, before the scouts at Victoria’s Secret scoop her up, trap her, abduct her and make her their own to do whatever they want with….but I guess none of that really matters because here she is modeling for some other company I’ve never heard of, riding on the Victoria’s Secret stamp of approval Shanina’s got, and milking her in some boring pics and videos that I am going to post, because models are usually not fat and I like that. Here’s the video….

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Shanina Shaik in Swimsuit for Summer Splash of the Day

Girl Tries to Kill Herself Badly of the Day

This is a horrible way to kill yourself….I think she’s most likely just high and fucking with traffic for some kind of rush…more than actually trying to kill herself…because if this is a suicide attempt, she deserves to die for being so stupid and such a fucking failure and properly executing it. Not that I like kids to die, even if they are annoying as fuck, but I just hate seeing people fail at what they put their mind to, especially when it inconveniences other people… You see if I was driving, I woulda thrown the car in reverse and given her what she pretended she wanted….but I’m into giving….some would call me a modern day mother teresa…

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Girl Tries to Kill Herself Badly of the Day

Smooch Cam: The Most Candid, Awkward And Sloppy Celebrity Smooches Of 2012

Candid Kisses From 2012 Awww we love seeing love in the air. When a couple is really feeling lovey dovey and it’s genuine, we can’t get enough of it. But, you know, sometimes it’s also sort of funny. Basically, seeing people play tonsil hockey is always entertaining. Just looking at these pics from this year brings us so much joy. Take a look at the most infamous kisses of 2012.

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Smooch Cam: The Most Candid, Awkward And Sloppy Celebrity Smooches Of 2012

Chris Brown Hates The Fact That He Can’t Just Say “F**k It”, But Loves Inspiring The World With His Music And His Smile

Breezy is on the cover of The Source Magazine and speaks on his F.A.M.E. album, living up to expectations, and what he does and does not like about being Chris Brown: “I don’t really think it’s a comeback album. I feel like it’s an album of triumph, like an underdog type of album,” Brown tells the magazine. “It’s more of me showing and proving everybody wrong. I don’t think I ever went anywhere. It’s not like I fell off the face of the earth.” “What I like most about being Chris Brown is being able to influence the world with my music and smile, being able to inspire the world, fans singing your music, seeing people dressed like you but at the same time them wanting to be themselves, be individuals,” he continues. “I recognize my music touches people and everything I do negative or positive affects people all over the world. So that’s definitely a blessing and a curse. “The thing I dislike most about my life is living up to everybody’s expectations, never being able to be like, ‘F**k it,’ and do what I want to do, not care about someone’s opinion. As artists we’re opinionated, but we definitely do care about the public’s opinion because that’s our consumer.” Awwwwww, poor thang.

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Chris Brown Hates The Fact That He Can’t Just Say “F**k It”, But Loves Inspiring The World With His Music And His Smile