Tag Archives: seen-the-first

Incredibles 2 Gives Jack-Jack All The Cool Superhero Powers In Supercharged First Footage

We’ve finally seen the first supercharged footage from Pixar’s “Incredibles 2.”

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Incredibles 2 Gives Jack-Jack All The Cool Superhero Powers In Supercharged First Footage

Alexander Skarsgard Shows Off A ‘New Side’ On ‘True Blood’

‘It’s a very different Eric from what we’re used to,’ Skarsg

Miley Cyrus Is No Fan Of Twilight

Miley Cyrus won’t be queuing for Twilight’s New Moon .

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Miley Cyrus Is No Fan Of Twilight

Beginning of time discovered

Scientists have seen the first starlight ever recorded, and we don't mean the first incidence of a monkey marking something down – we mean the first star to send light which reached Earth. This light is the earliest, the furthest away, the most red-shifted, and every other factor that could possibly say: “Everything else ever came after this.” The bright light is also poignant as it results from a Gamma Ray Burst, GRB 090423, meaning that this first light comes from the death of a star imploding into a neutron star or even an early black hole

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Beginning of time discovered