Tag Archives: segment-talking

Lindsay Lohan Lookin’ Tired of the Day

Lindsay Lohan has really lost her celebrity Flare. Here she is at Fashion Week hanging out with celebrity photographer Terry Richardson,holding on as hard as she can, and she definitely doesn’t look fresh faced and 23. I know that when it comes to Lohan, it’s all been said before and I’m really not posting this to laugh at her or make jokes about her, I am not even doing it to point out the obvious, I just don’t really understand why she looks so fucking old, I’m talking like a haggard, drug addict who has fucked a solid 20 people more than what’s considerd normal in a given day in efforts to pay for more drugs that I know, when she’s got all the money she needs to live for the rest of her life

The rest is here:
Lindsay Lohan Lookin’ Tired of the Day

Shut the Fuck Up Wendy Williams of the Day

Wendy Williams is some dude who used to be on the radio because his face and his sexual ambiguity scared little kids cuz shit looks like some kind of evil muppet, but the fact that she cries all the fucking time scares me. I wrote about me laughing at her crying about not breast feed her baby because she was a man and man tit doesn’t let you breast feed, but it turns out that in his youth, before all the surgeries, motherfucker used to be a cocaine fiend, something I’d expect from someone insecure about who they are, you know not compfortable in his skin, but comfortable in women’s panties, before realizing that he should be a she and when he became a she, turning his life around and really making something out of his life as a she, like some kind of new lease, and bitch starts crying again. This show is a little emotionally unstable for me, hold it together, we know you think women are supposed to cry all the time, and that is part of the reason you got the chop, but we don’t need to see that shit every fucking day, not to mention running a segment talking to Whitney Houston who isn’t a guest on your show is as awkward as me writing a post to you when you aren’t even reading it, but I guess I do it for my tranny loving “straight” readers….so quit flattering yourself like trannies tend to do….

See the rest here:
Shut the Fuck Up Wendy Williams of the Day