Miley Cyrus was celebrating her birthday, or her friend’s birthday, or knowing Miley, one of her attempts at a high concept, porny, Tumblr selfie shoot, as part of her “performance” art and branding, that makes people like me think, “At least she’s not Taylor Swift”….while playing the media in what I call “Just being Miley”… Yes, it’s all a fabricated lie. but it’s half naked, and really, is anything really real anymore anyway? I think life is just a series of me interacting with my computer in my shithole I call home… It’s all a fucking fantasy, so as long as it’s some overpaid pop bitch in a bikini on all fours covered in cake, I’m ok with the lies… The post Miley Cyrus Cake Picture of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Miley Cyrus Cake Picture of the Day