Tag Archives: senior-writer

Packers: NFL Labor Deal Coming This Week?


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Legendary senior writer jclombardi reports NFL labor deal probably coming next week. ESPN: NFL LOCKOUT UNRESOLVED ISSUES ESPN–NFL Lockout unresolved issues: Under that scenario, the owners would ratify the new CBA on Thursday at the league meetings in Atlanta. According to sources, the two sides also could use Wednesday morning to finish their mediated negotiation Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : NFL GridIron Gab Discovery Date : 18/07/2011 02:29 Number of articles : 2

Packers: NFL Labor Deal Coming This Week?

Cheryl Burke Molested

“I#39;m telling my story,” says Cheryl Burke, 26, who opens up about the molestation – and other struggles, including physical abuse by two former boyfriends – in her new book Dancing Lessons, (coauthored by us senior writer Monica Rizzo). “They#39;re not secrets. There#39;s no shame.” Burke#39;s abuser was a retired mailman who was trusted and well liked in Burke#39;s Bay Area community. He would sometimes pick Burke up from school and do odd jobs around her home. The assaults began when she w

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Cheryl Burke Molested

Newsweek’s Hayes Hater Gets a Promotion

After Newsweek’s Ramin Setoodeh slammed several openly gay actors — and earned stinging rebukes from Kristin Chenoweth and Sean Hayes — some called for the newsmagazine to fire the writer. Instead, he’s gotten the equivalent of a promotion: Setoodeh will leave the struggling Newsweek to become a senior writer on People’s news and human-interest team, it was announced today. Yes, that’s in addition to the offer extended to Setoodeh to visit the Glee set and, uh, “learn about diversity.” Some self-hating gays have all the luck! [ NY Observer ]

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Newsweek’s Hayes Hater Gets a Promotion

Hollywood News – Conan Vs. Leno Panel

Is Conan O’Brien being ousted by the big white chin of late night? Entertainment Weekly, Senior Writer Whitney Pastorek discusses who’s on Team Conan and who’s on Team Leno as the battle for NBC’s prime late night slot heats up.

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Hollywood News – Conan Vs. Leno Panel